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Basically, im using this Extension called uwu2x and in the ae beta, after opening the Extension from the Windows tab it appears to be just a white screen. Nothing, else.
I saw some people adding a PlayerDebugKey to reg editor and i tried that but it still doesnt work.
Appreciate any help!
Hello @engjell_9808,
Sorry you are experiencing issues with an extension in the Beta.
I assume for the PlayerDebugMode you were modifying with values for CEP 11?
See: CEP-Resources/CEP_11.x/Documentation/CEP 11.1 HTML Extension at master · Adobe-CEP/CEP-Resources · GitHub
defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.11 PlayerDebugMode 1
(THello @engjell_9808,
I looked at the install file for uwu2x and they included a file called "Add keys.reg" - running this would set the correct PlayerDebugMode for all CEP versions that were released and a few that are likely included to future proof for new versions of CEP.
Installing it locally, I can get it to load in the beta application, though I do recall looking at this previously where the Settings tab in the beta applications had not been working. Switching between the old skin and new sk
Marking this as fixed. Solution is in the pinned investigation where it suggests a change to the After Effects path that was referenced in the main file. This resolved the issue both externally and internally. Next steps is for the extension developer to resolve this in a future build.