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Hi beta users!
Starting August 5, After Effects betas will switch from v24.6 to the next major version, v25. We make this switch once a year when we get close to shipping the last dot release of one major version and switch to the beta of the next major version.
If you open an existing project in v25, After Effects will guide you through the project upgrade process and automatically version the project file. Unless you specifically save over the original file, you will have a backup.
Like previous major version changes, After Effects projects saved in v25 cannot be opened in previous versions of After Effects, including the shipping version (v24.5 at the time of this post). You can open your projects in an older version by going to File > Save As > Save a Copy as 24.x.
It is also required to have v25 of Premiere Pro and Media Encoder to make use of Dynamic Link. We suggest updating all three at the same time.
And, as always, we recommend that you do not use the beta version of After Effects for critical production work.
More information about the Creative Cloud beta program is here.
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I notice that After Effects 2025 (Beta) does not show up in target app dropdown for ExtendScript Toolkit. Is that intentional, or an oversight?
Actually, I'm not seeing it in the Host Application List for the VS Code ExtendScript debugger either. Must be something wrong...
(Further edit:)
I uninstalled and reinstalled the beta and now everything is fine.
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It works for me.
I just needed to add a CSXS.12 > PlayerDebugMode key in my registry for the extensions to open again in AE Beta.