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Hi everyone! We’re thrilled to announce that the Next-Gen RotoBrush has arrived in the After Effects beta as of 24.0 build 17!
The next generation of the After Effects RotoBrush tool is powered by a brand-new AI model. Tracking objects in footage over time and space is now much easier compared to RotoBrush 2: overlapping limbs and even hair and transparencies are easier to mask.
Here’s a quick comparison with RotoBrush 2 (this is raw footage with no refine edges work). Both examples use this frame and selection as the reference:
And here are the results:
And here’s a side-by-side with refine edges work. Both examples use this frame and selection as the reference:
And, once again, here are the results:
To get started, select RotoBrush in the toolbar, double-click an existing layer in the Composition panel and select a frame to start from. Make sure you've selected version 3.0 in the Effect Controls panel and paint a green foreground stroke on the subject you’re attempting to roto and refine as needed.
Let us know how RotoBrush is working for you! We’re excited for your feedback.
1 Correct answer
Much faster than v2 almost 3 times on my machine.
Better edge detection if you choose the correct anchor propagation frame to begin with.
Still struggles with area that have similar color values between the foreground and the background, but overall I can feel the improvments. The reuslt looks clean and flicker free if you set the Reduce Chatter to 100% and Chatter Reduction (for the Refine Edge) to smoother.
I only wish the Freeze process will also be acclerated, as this takes relativily a long t
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Too much flicker and results are still mediocre at best.
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Thanks for the feedback! If you're talking about the examples featured above, I'm unfortunately constrained by not being able to link high-quality video and am stuck showing things off through very low quality GIFs. We can blame the forums infrastructure for that, which is a real bummer. If you haven't yet, I'd really recommend giving the new RotoBrush a try yourself.
If you're talking about your own experiments with the tool, though, could you provide some more detail on where you hit issues? And, if possible, maybe a screenshot of your footage so that we can get an idea of what you were working on? We'd love to get some more information so that we can make improvements!
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Hi, i understood you had to use a gif, but in the rotobrush of the next-gen i see again a lot of the white.
Like if the hair aren't the hair but a unique object.
I see it's better than before, but i see you can't use this solution for a professional job, because you can see a lot of the background togheter to the hair of the subject you tried to rotobrush. I don't know if it's possible but can you use a solution like Silhouette boris fx? Best regards
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You tested or just saw the example of the post? Because i tested and are way better, faster and more precise, considering a beta version, im using the beta to do real jobs and give me really good results!
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Amazing! Happy to see this tool continue to evolve. Keep up the good work, y'all!
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Much faster than v2 almost 3 times on my machine.
Better edge detection if you choose the correct anchor propagation frame to begin with.
Still struggles with area that have similar color values between the foreground and the background, but overall I can feel the improvments. The reuslt looks clean and flicker free if you set the Reduce Chatter to 100% and Chatter Reduction (for the Refine Edge) to smoother.
I only wish the Freeze process will also be acclerated, as this takes relativily a long time to process.
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Has anyone tested on a M1x Mac? I'm eager to dive in. I'm in the midst of a project that this feature would indeed be helpful.
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Ive been using it on my M1 and I've noticed it quite a bit faster and more acurute except when its near simlar colors you still need to make sure you get a decent first frame cut out otherwise it has problems with similar colors nearby.
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I want to get the rotobrush 3 but I can't download after effects 24 because it says my cpu doesn't support AVX2, is there any way to get it? without upgrading my cpu, and if possible, I want the installation without creative cloud. or I want the rotobrush 3 separately, please can anyone tell me the method ? thank you