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Output directory does not exist

Participant ,
Nov 20, 2022 Nov 20, 2022

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This happens often when openning older projects.

It's easy to just click on the output, it will automatically go to the closest directory that exists and you can basically set a new output directory.

But if I have 20, 30, 40+ renders from that single project, I'd prefer to just recreate the output folder structure that the render jobs expect.

And here lies the problem.

Is there any way to check what was the original output path?

- the output to field displays only the file name, or last folder if render to seperate folder was checked

- there are no tool tips on the path or output UI elements

- it doesn't get reported in the error log because the render process doesn't even start if you have a job with missing directory in the job que

- also F you for saying that I have a job with an output directory that does not exist, but you don't say which job it is - the entire project won't render because one of 50 render jobs has an invalid output directory


So first: can we please get a tool tip on the Output to path field that would show the entire render output path?

And two: If you show an error saying a render job has a path that no longer exist - please list which jobs have that problem and what output paths they expect

Error , Feature request






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