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AIR33 Where is it?

Engaged ,
Mar 13, 2019 Mar 13, 2019

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Is it me or AIR33 Beta is delayed? We are a few days before April and there is no beta version yet. It looks like the 1st quarter release is missed.







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Engaged , May 30, 2019 May 30, 2019

The announcement has been made. Harman - Adobe Partnership - HARMAN



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Engaged ,
May 22, 2019 May 22, 2019

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"Whinning babies" was a bit harsh, I admit and I apologize if anyone was offended, but I stand by what I said.  I still think that Adobe will come through on the 64 bit Android issue.  If they were not going to do it, they would have told us.  Give them credit for being at least that responsible.  They have given us 32 releases of AIR, they would not just stop to be mean.

Listen, I just released 3 brand new apps with Adobe AIR in my first business startup.  I have skin in the game and this silence comes at a very uncomfortable time for me.  But making MORE noise here when nobody is currently listening just feels counterproductive.  Get all of your ducks in a row, and plan an app release at the end of July instead of the first week of August and that will buy you a little more time.

I have Flash Builder and Adobe Air installed on my system.  Right next to it, I have Visual Studio and Xamarin installed and I am teaching myself to use it.  When the day comes, which is not today in my opinion, I will be ready to use it.  My biggest hope is that Adobe will open source AIR and we can use it until the end of time, but if not, I AM GETTING PREPARED!

As I think most of us here agree, as a business owner, this is the responsible thing to do.  Make your thoughts known to the people here, but yelling at a wall just seems silly.





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Advocate ,
May 22, 2019 May 22, 2019

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I'll be surprised if they don't pull through as well but we are not used to this type of wait with AIR releases and you got to admit this is very unusual.

Now some people are freaking out and we can understand that especially if they don't have a backup plan and another technology in hand.

Like I said overall this is all information that anyone can use as they see fit so none of this is negative.





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Participant ,
May 21, 2019 May 21, 2019

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Even if Adobe does come through and delivers, it is them who should be apologizing... for a lack of ANY INFO FOR YEARS!!!!!   Get real.   I'll be quick to acknowledge my predictions were wrong I suppose.  But, I've already had three biggish customers have to make serious changes in their projects because--at this point it's obvious Adobe has dropped AIR.  Even if they do come through, it's too late.  Anyone with any kind of business would be reckless to just be waiting for them.  Anyone defending Adobe here obviously has no skin in the game--if you do then you do your business in a much riskier manner than me or any of my customers.





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Engaged ,
May 22, 2019 May 22, 2019

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Hello William.

Thanks for posting your views on the subject. You're of course entitled to your own opinion but I find your posts as, once again, more and more excuses for Adobe coupled with some strawman arguments to try to support your stance. For example...

I bet that there isn't a guy on this forum that could knock out a 64 bit compiler in a week

Has anyone of us ever said we could, or that Adobe should knock out a 64 bit compiler in just a week? That's a strawman argument if I've ever seen one. On the contrary, I said that Adobe could have done it at a relaxed pace, taking a whole year and a half if they wanted, since Google warned of this August 2019 deadline back in 2017!

So nobody is criticizing Adobe for not "knocking out a 64 bit compiler in a week", but rather because they didn't plan ahead, which resulted in them actually starting work this year, so now they must be struggling to port the compiler to 64-bit in time before the deadline, especially considering the development team must be a much smaller team than they used to be.

Also, the main criticism anyway is not really how they're working, but how they're handling communication with the developer community, which is ZERO communication. That's the fastest way to shrink the developer community for any technology.

I know if i was Adobe and was reading these forums, i would eventually start ignoring you too

So it's our fault that Adobe is ignoring us? Just because we complain too much? Really?

Don't you think it's more like the other way around? We wouldn't complain if there had been some kind of communication from Adobe during this year. ANY kind of communication! Now there is NONE, and it's been this way for the whole year up to now (5 months).

That's a horrible way of handling communication: No news at all about the progress in their development, and not even a single line posted in the issue tracker nor in the forums, saying they're working on it. The only way we could know they're at least aware is because of a little entry in the "known issues" of the release notes for the latest beta, which was published in March 15th, which means they didn't start working on this issue until the middle of March of this year (in previous versions this wasn't even acknowledged, despite this was reported way before and Google warned of this in 2017).

We're not even asking for direct communication with the development team. Just some simple messages written by some PR people working for Adobe (as it used to happen years ago, when Adobe "evangelists" and other people from the staff use to take a few moments to write in these forums when some concerns arised).

These messages would just take the better part of 5 minutes and would be enough to show AIR developers that they still care and are working on the issues.

Having ZERO communication from anyone at Adobe, coupled with the fact that Starling and Feathers, which are THE main libraries for AIR, stopped receiving funding this year, just shows how Adobe intends to abandon the technology in a not very distant future. It might even be a strategy by the higher management at Adobe, to make AIR such a residual technology that they won't look so bad for finally pulling the plug when they do. It may sound crazy, but why else would they not have someone post a lousy one liner message in 1 minute to appease concerned developers using their technology?

I hope every one of you conspiracy theory whining babies will be man enough to come back here and post a sincere apology when Adobe pulls this off, which I suspect they will. I will be first in line thanking them for their hard work.

There is no conspiracy theory. What we say is happening in the reality: Adobe is having ZERO communication with the AIR developer community. That's a FACT. Even if they release an update of the AIR SDK solving the issues before the August deadline, they have still failed to communicate what they're doing to the developers, which is an important part of keeping a healthy community working with your technology.

Development companies can't just trust a company and rely in their technologies if there are no news from them in months and months on end. That doesn't work in a professional context. It's no wonder most companies are running away from AIR.

Also, calling people with legitimate complaints about this "whining babies" is really unprofessional and unfitting here. This is not a forum for some movie or videogame fans which insult each other over petty disagreements about their fandom. This is the forum of a professional framework meant to build and sell real world apps in the App Store, Play Store and Amazon App Store, along with desktop apps as well. This is not a place to ridicule people over their opinion.

As for "apologizing", I wholeheartedly agree with phillipkerman that it should be Adobe the ones apologizing for their complete lack of communication, even if they do release their SDK update before the deadline (although at this rate they will probably do it in the last minute).

they have serious work to focus on, they don't have time

Let me set this clear: We're not really criticizing the development team working on Adobe AIR. They're probably doing a good job within their time constraints. We're criticizing Adobe as a company and their way of managing their communication (or rather, not managing it) regarding the Adobe AIR SDK framework.

Even if the AIR development team is tiny and they supposedly can't reply because they're hard at work, Adobe is still a huge company and should have someone from their PR team take at least a little time, even if just a few minutes a month, to communicate with the AIR community about progress with the most important issues, as they used to do in the previous years. Of course, more communication than that would be better, but that's the least they could do.

you have too much disdain for Adobe and AIR to actually be using their products

Now you're accusing all people complaining about this situation of not even using Adobe AIR and just writing to annoy people? Do you really think we would be here if we weren't AIR developers as well?

There are a lot of posts from people complaining about this problem. We can't all be "trolls" that don't use AIR. That's ridiculous.





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Explorer ,
May 22, 2019 May 22, 2019

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Completly agree too with your point of view. Zero communication and stopping funding Starling and Feathers are signs that the plan to unplug the technology it's near.

What I dont understand is that having such mature platform, they simply doesn't try anything. Crossplatforms today are very interesting, look at Flutter for example, if a company like Google make this kind of movements is because the market is looking for it.

Rebrand Air, sell it to an external company, open source it and benefit from it in some other way ( brand image, link some special functions with other adobe products, etc ) ... But simply having this such platform and simply let it die sounds no sense to me.





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Explorer ,
May 21, 2019 May 21, 2019

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Waiting for it ! Our APP goes to market after 2 years of hard work and we're really compromised with this situation ...





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Engaged ,
May 22, 2019 May 22, 2019

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My feeling is they are deep in the shit, they don't really know when it will be finished and stable. So they can"t really say something because they are freaking out more than us 🙂

Before the deadline they will come up with something at least a solution for android q and a grace period from google, if not a 64 bit version.

When it will be done, we will have new bugs and some old that will disappear.. Some ANE nightmare probably.

But when the 64 bits will be stable, we will have faster android app.

So I'm patient...





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Engaged ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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ANEs are one of the biggest concerns here. When 64 will be released (i hope it does), all the vendors will have to recompile all their ANEs and probably debug them! This will surely take a lot of time.





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Enthusiast ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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Btw, a new beta is out.

The release notes states that this release includes new features as well as enhancements and bug fixes, but doesn't say exactly what's been fixed.





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Advocate ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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I would guess that the latest release includes further reworking on the video codec refactorings that the document mentions, since the only update regarding the release notes is a new known issue regarding audio delay for specific audio and video files.

Well I am looking forward to the announcement of 64 Bits support soon, I have no doubt it will come





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Engaged ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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This was posted on Stage3D Facebook group by someone who is connected to Adobe. If (as many claim here) your app has over 100k users you can contact this email (they are probably beta testing 64 bit):





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Engaged ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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I have contacted him when he posted this, about one of our apps which is 1.2m downloads on android. No luck / reply.





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Engaged ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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I wonder why. He replied on Facebook ust 30 mins ago. You might have better luck there.

Never quit hope





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Engaged ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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Well if someone wants to create a Facebook page supporting AIR Team in their hard work for android 64 I'm all for it!

Might have more impact than a bug tracker... 🙂





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Explorer ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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I guess they are not responding because they are busy working on the 64bit release, give them some more time





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Engaged ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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AlexUrrutia  wrote:

I guess they are not responding because they are busy working on the 64bit release, give them some more time

As I said in my previous post (I know it's long), we're not talking about how the Adobe AIR development team is working. I'm sure they're doing their best. But no matter how hard at work they are, that shouldn't have anything to do with Adobe's communication, since it can be handled by a different department.

You see, in the past we used to have here people from the Adobe's PR department/"evangelists" inform us of the progress with important issues. Where have all that people gone?

Now there is no communication at all coming from Adobe. These forums are just like any other forums in other sites, where devs working with this technology help each other and that's it. No one from Adobe writes here anymore (but they are still quite active in forums for other Adobe products). It's as if Adobe decided to reallocate resources to somewhere else in the company. I know no one likes me saying this but this is definitely not a good sign.

Now the only way to get some news about AIR is from people working for a third party company, such as this guy from Harman who wrote in Facebook (and only after signing an NDA). At least now we can see some movement...





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Engaged ,
May 24, 2019 May 24, 2019

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FYI - yesterday new AIR beta release





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Engaged ,
May 24, 2019 May 24, 2019

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Unfortunately this doesn't add anything to the existing sdk. It is probably some work done in the codecs for Video and Audio, we were told before. Nothing about Android Q or 64bit. It is also not a 33 update. Anyhow, we will soon some news, so let's wait for it





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Engaged ,
May 24, 2019 May 24, 2019

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With the missing AIR 33 and now suddenly this tiny update, this is what I think:

1. Yes, they may be doing the support for Android 64

2. Yes, they may be facing compatibility issues, hard to provide in a timer manner;

3. Yes, they should be proactive and not reactive and start doing this years ago but this is the way that they seems to do the things about AIR !

4. Yes, this a AIR forum on a Adobe domain but it seems like a normal user forum so I there is not point to ask help for AIR dev here.

I will not use AIR for mobile anymore and it's not because AIR technology is bad, on contrary, is far advanced than other options out there, but I'm still using AIR for desktop and anyway I'm glad that they will continue supporting it (even in a maintenance mode as it is and there is not question about it).





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Engaged ,
May 24, 2019 May 24, 2019

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hferreira80  escribió

4. Yes, this a AIR forum on a Adobe domain but it seems like a normal user forum so I there is not point to ask help for AIR dev here.

But that's not what this forum used to be. Not too long ago (namely, up until a few months ago), this forum was not only populated by AIR users, but also devs from the AIR team and other people working for Adobe. This is still the case for other forums in this site for other Adobe products, but not this one. This AIR forum has somehow been deserted by Adobe's staff, for some reason.

Also, even if we were to think that nobody from Adobe has any need to post here, at least somebody should be taking care of the reports in the Bug Tracker, don't you think so? It doesn't make sense that both reports about the need of a 64-bit compiler and about the Android Q issue have been completely ignored in the tracker for 5 months straight and nobody from Adobe has ever replied there even if just to say "we're working on it" despite those bug reports getting votes and comments in almost a daily basis. I don't understand why it's that hard for Adobe to have any kind communication lately.

Well, at least Daniel, who probably has a deeper connection with Adobe's staff, has managed to get some positive news from them. Finally some good news!





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Engaged ,
May 24, 2019 May 24, 2019

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I do not see why Adobe should feel obliged to provide psychological assistance on this thread. They do monitor bug posts and usually reply. To find peace I suggest meditation, sports, or in worst cases benzodiazepine. Love.





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Engaged ,
May 27, 2019 May 27, 2019

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You might think your comment is oh so funny, but it's not and it achieves nothing, it doesn't make Adobe look any better. Also, you didn't even read what I wrote:

First, what we're demanding here is nothing out of this World, just what Adobe used to do not so long ago: Reply to developer concerns in this forum, which coincidentally they still do in forums for other products from Adobe.

Second, I also said that even if they don't ever write here any more (because they "should not feel obliged and blahblah"), still any serious company would take care of the input in their bug tracker. There's no excuse for not having had ANY kind of reply in the bug tracker at all for the whole year.





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Engaged ,
May 27, 2019 May 27, 2019

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To all the people saying that there is no communication cause "they are not obligated, blah blah blah" stop with the excuses. We now know that people were told to be silent due to some things going one. There will soon be an update / announcement. Till then chill.





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Explorer ,
May 24, 2019 May 24, 2019

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Daniel Sperl, creator of the Starling Framework :

I've sent another query to Adobe on this topic, as well, and I was told there'd be official (good!) news on this topic in just a couple of days, probably next week. I know, we've heard such messages already in the past, but it sounded very sure and sincere. So, please hang in there a little longer!





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Explorer ,
May 27, 2019 May 27, 2019

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"From: Adobe Date: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 4:20 PM

Subject: RE: Adobe 64-bit for Google

Hi, We're aware of the 64-bit requirement and hope to have news for the community later this week or by mid next week at the latest.







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