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Has anyone gotten Mac apps notarized with AIR 31?

Explorer ,
Aug 18, 2019 Aug 18, 2019

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Hello, I sat down today to notarize my Mac app in anticipation of the requirement coming up. It has been a bit painful, but I thought I made it through until I got errors right at the end -- errors that seem to indicate something is not right even in the first codesign stages.

Has anyone been successful at notarizing Mac apps?

I got three types of errors:

  1. Errors about unsigned binaries, e.g., "SimsUshare_v2.dmg/SimsUshare_v2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/A2712Enabler" and "SimsUshare_v2.dmg/SimsUshare_v2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/WebKit.dylib". However, I did the codesign-ing with --deep --force, which is supposed to code sign everything, apparently it is not
  2. Errors about insecure timestamps on the same two files, "SimsUshare_v2.dmg/SimsUshare_v2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/A2712Enabler" and "SimsUshare_v2.dmg/SimsUshare_v2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/WebKit.dylib"
  3. Errors about the executable not having runtime hardened, here is it "SimsUshare_v2.dmg/SimsUshare_v2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/A2712Enabler" and then the top-level "SimsUshare_v2.dmg/SimsUshare_v2.app/Contents/MacOS/SimsUshare". However, I had the --options runtime in the codesign as well.

I am happy to write up what I have done to get this stage so far, to help others, but I haven't quite made it through so I hesitate to share until I know it works. BTW, I was using this guide, which has a few issues regarding dashes, though it mostly works.

I emailed Apple, especially since they say you can notarize an app even with unsigned binaries, but I don't know what they will help with regarding the other issues. Thanks for any help on this!








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Explorer ,
Sep 22, 2019 Sep 22, 2019

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Now my codesigning woes have increased :-(.

I am building my app on 10.14.6, and the adt works fine to build the app. However, when I try to codesign the app, I get an error about the bundle being ambiguous. I have worked on making it like the recent solution at this post (Tutorial on publishing Flex/Air app for Mac App Store or just using Developer ID for general distrib...), in which I go into the .app file and sign whatever I can. When I try to sign "SimsUshare_v2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework", I get the error


SimsUshare_v2.app: bundle format is ambiguous (could be app or framework)
In subcomponent: /Users/jonathankaye/Dropbox/SimsUshare Mac Stuff/SimsUshare 2.8.6/SimsUshare_v2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework


When I use codesign to give me more info, I get a tiny bit more telling me something about /Versions/Current/ marked as --prepared.


% codesign --verify --verbose=4 SimsUshare_v2.app

--prepared:/Users/jonathankaye/Dropbox/SimsUshare Mac Stuff/SimsUshare 2.8.6/SimsUshare_v2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework/Versions/Current/.
SimsUshare_v2.app: bundle format is ambiguous (could be app or framework)
In subcomponent: /Users/jonathankaye/Dropbox/SimsUshare Mac Stuff/SimsUshare 2.8.6/SimsUshare_v2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework


Does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks!







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Contributor ,
Nov 12, 2019 Nov 12, 2019

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We are having the same problem, we compiled our AIR app to DMG but can't find any info online on how to go about Notarization the App.

Any help is appreciated..







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Explorer ,
Nov 12, 2019 Nov 12, 2019

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Hi Sean, I got through the process and documented every step (in painful detail) here, from Sept 28, 2019: https://community.adobe.com/t5/Air/Tutorial-on-publishing-Flex-Air-app-for-Mac-App-Store-or-just/m-p...


I was using the latest AIR 32 and cobbled together various other reports and solutions. The main problem I was having was the app file had symlinks wrong, so the codesigning process was getting messed up. The codesign application's error was a tiny bit helpful but generally poking around the Apple docs revealed the issue. I created a script to correct the symlinks and posted all there. Please post here (or email me, you can send me a note in Contact on https://simsushare.com) if you have any questions!








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Contributor ,
Nov 12, 2019 Nov 12, 2019

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Thank you so much Jonathan I will check this ASAP!

have a great day ahead!






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