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Locked by Moderator, Not on subject anymore,AIR Roadmap Update

Adobe Employee ,
Jul 25, 2017 Jul 25, 2017

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Hello AIR developers,

With the news today regarding Flash Player, I'm sure many of you have questions regarding AIR and its future roadmap.  Let me start by saying that today's announcement was not about AIR, and instead focuses entirely on Flash Player and the browser plugin environment.  Adobe remains committed to AIR and we believe it continues to be a great desktop and mobile development platform.

Many of you have asked for a roadmap update.  We hope to have our official Flash Runtime roadmap updated soon, but until then I wanted to share some of the features we'd like to accomplish in our upcoming releases.  As always, this list may change as we receive feedback from the community.

  • Support for 64-bit AIR – Windows Captive Only
  • AIR SDK installer on Windows
  • Desktop async texture upload
  • DirectX11 support for AIR desktop
  • Increase the GPU memory texture limit
  • Improved monitor and resolution settings for AIR Desktop
  • GPU render mode for AIR Desktop
  • Support for the latest SDK on iOS 11 and Android O
  • ASTC Support for mobile
  • VR/AR support for AIR apps
  • ANE support for Swift on iOS
  • METAL bindings for Stage3D
  • Motion detection for Android devices

We've also been following a feature request thread on the Starling forums.  We wanted to get your feedback on some of the items outlined by the community.  If you'd like to provide additional input, please take a minute and take this three question survey so we can better understand what folks would like to see in future releases.

Community AIR Feature Requests​ Survey







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Engaged ,
Sep 11, 2018 Sep 11, 2018

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VR and AR are too big features to come to AIR. Most recent versions(30, 31) are like maintenance updates. At least there is an ANE for that.





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Contributor ,
Sep 11, 2018 Sep 11, 2018

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The WebXR spec, for VR and AR, is already implemented in Chrome better than anything you'll ever get out of AIR.


If you really want to do VR/AR go Unreal Engine.  Installed apps work amazing and they will likely have a solid WebXR implementation in a few years or so.  Unity3D's a second option.

Since Flare3D ended, I've not done '3D spaces' in Flash.

I wonder how many BILLIONS, maybe Trillions, of man hours are to be lost due to the demise of Flash / AIR.  There where some amazing games and art made with the tech.





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New Here ,
Oct 01, 2018 Oct 01, 2018

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So let me get this straight (apologies if already asked):   Can a module written in AS3 and compiled to .swf the formerly played in the browser live on past 2020 as an AIR desktop app?   In other words, can conversion to AIR desktop be a viable long-term strategy for Flash app developers who are being pushed out of the browser?





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Oct 01, 2018 Oct 01, 2018

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Adobe Animate has several non-AS3 formats that can work in mobile browsers, which gives you a way to reuse all of the graphics and animations from your AS3 projects. You would need to redo the code in JavaScript.

But yes, an AS3 SWF should be usable in an AIR desktop app.





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Enthusiast ,
Oct 01, 2018 Oct 01, 2018

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tophermiller  wrote

So let me get this straight (apologies if already asked):   Can a module written in AS3 and compiled to .swf the formerly played in the browser live on past 2020 as an AIR desktop app?   In other words, can conversion to AIR desktop be a viable long-term strategy for Flash app developers who are being pushed out of the browser?

There are many ways you could reuse 1 or many SWF files within an AIR application

see here as3lang - AIR, HTML and SWF

You have basically 6 different way to read/play a SWF file in Adobe AIR

  • the main file of Adobe AIR is a SWF file
    you have a foobar-app.xml that points to a foobar.swf file
    and AIR (the runtime) play it
  • an Adobe AIR app can load external SWF files
    the same way you would do with the Flash Player by using the Loader class
  • you can export a SWC library of a SWF
    that you reference when you compile your main app
  • you can embed a SWF file into an Adobe AIR app
    the same way you would embed a .png image or a .mp3 sound
    there are 3 ways to do it
    • embed as a binary
      [Embed(source="file.swf", mimeType="application/octet-stream"]
    • embed as a SWF and select a specific symbol
      [Embed(source="file.swf", symbol="SymbolName")]
    • embed as a SWF and select a specific symbol (alternative way)
  • you can use the HTMLLoader class
    to either load a local SWF file or a remote SWF file (hosted on a domain)
  • the main file of Adobe AIR is an HTML file
    you have a foobar-app.xml that points to a foobar.html file
    that can load an external SWF file





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Contributor ,
Oct 02, 2018 Oct 02, 2018

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In Theory yes.

Do NOT expect to get confirmation from Adobe about ANY specific time span for AIR.

Their verbiage is 'We are committed to supporting AIR.'  That's all you get.

We are still developing new apps with AIR, but design them in a way that we can also utilize javascript in the same manner.  In a sense we are prototyping in AS3 / AIR and then able to 'convert' the AIR app to HTML5, SVG, and Javascript.  We do this by having all movieclip assets be one frame and the SVG export does a great job of exporting clean SVG with ID's that match the MovieClip instance name.  The function structures and code in .js is very similar.

We're doing simple interactive kiosk's though, not a complex game.

Good luck!





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Enthusiast ,
Oct 02, 2018 Oct 02, 2018

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I believe game developer Zynga has made their own flash game launcher with AIR: https://zyngasupport.helpshift.com/a/farmville-2/?s=adobe-air-faq&f=why-am-i-seeing-install-air-motd





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Advocate ,
Oct 02, 2018 Oct 02, 2018

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The simple answer is no, AIR doesn't work in browser and AIR can't be used to offer a browser experience period. Here we already converted all our former flash apps to HTML5 using the converter we developed and are now finishing up on converting our mobile apps as well and after that I don't think I'll touch AS3 ever again. It is liberating at least for a company to drop a technology when you don't know if it'll be still around 6 months from now. As a company we clearly estimated AIR death to be inevitable and to quickly follow 2020 flash death. I advise all companies or career pro to make the switch.





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Oct 02, 2018 Oct 02, 2018

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Given that AIR can open a WKWebView window (in StageWebView), is what you say about AIR not being able to offer a browser experience true?

I imagine you meant that AIR cannot be in web, but web can be in AIR.





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Contributor ,
Oct 02, 2018 Oct 02, 2018

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Tophermiller  wrote

  In other words, can conversion to AIR desktop be a viable long-term strategy for Flash app developers who are being pushed out of the browser?

I agree with ASWC.  As a 'long-term strategy'.  NO

The fact is they've basically removed all the programmatic tools from the Creative Cloud app ( Builder and Scout ) and have not updated the tools in years should be enough evidence to not base FUTURE software development on this technology.





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New Here ,
Oct 02, 2018 Oct 02, 2018

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Thanks. I don’t want to do future development, just want to preserve some work in AS3/Flash that took many years and millions of dollars to develop and is responsible for a lot of my company’s revenue. Repackaging it as a desktop app in AIR might be the only way to save it past Dec 2020.





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Enthusiast ,
Oct 02, 2018 Oct 02, 2018

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First, about Adobe keeping supporting AIR or not

Adobe have clearly said many times in forums, twitter, etc.

that the EOL of Flash in 2020 will not impact AIR nor the AIR SDK

see https://twitter.com/adobe/status/889878192994918401

People who keep asking Adobe to commit about a specific timespan

are clueless, it's like asking any other big software vendor

how long they will keep developing/supporting their products

nobody would answer such question

as a counter-example, if the web is that great then go ask Google

why they keep shutting down and discontinue many of their products:

google reader, google talk, google inbox, etc.

Second, about SWF in the browsers

that's a done deal, all major browser vendors have decided to stop supporting plugins

you can either port your SWF to web technology like HTML/CSS/JS

or you can port your SWF to desktop/mobile and for that I would advise Adobe AIR

some people view only the web as a legitimate target to publish an app or game,

that's utterly misguided, look at what happened on mobile platforms:

native apps have won and the web tech have miserably failed.

If you want to keep playing SWF files from within a browser after 2020 (and even earlier)

you will have to replace the browser, which ironically is possible with Adobe AIR.

Third, about the browser in Adobe AIR

Off course AIR does not work in browsers, AIR is meant to be an Out of Browser experience,

because browser technology is limiting when you want to build desktop quality apps.

Now, if you had online SWF apps or games working with the Flash player plugin inside the browser,

you can port those to either desktop or mobile apps or even both while keeping reusing the Flash technology.

Your SWF will run happily with Adobe AIR as a host instead of a browser engine as a host.

You can either reuse HTMLHost that reuse Webkit Safari (the browser embedded in AIR),

or use StageWebView (that reuse the system browser).

You can also use an ANE like WebViewANE.

It's not like you're without a solution, there are at least 6 different way to do it as I mentioned earlier.

Finally, about the longevity of Adobe AIR

It is liberating at least for a company to drop a technology when you don't know if it'll be still around 6 months from now.

As a company we clearly estimated AIR death to be inevitable and to quickly follow 2020 flash death.

I advise all companies or career pro to make the switch.

You don't say why you reach that conclusion though, is it guts feeling? flip of a coin? reading the future in cards?

Why Adobe would have not taken that golden opportunity to also announce AIR EOL at the same time they announced Flash EOL ?

Why Adobe would bother to confirm that Flash EOL will not impact AIR and the AIR SDK if they had no plans to keep developing AIR ?

My educated guess is that they probably plan to keep developing AIR, it seems reasonable.There are many web technology that you also don't know if they will still be around 6 months from now, all those JS frameworks that pop up all the time and get forgotten few months later, would you still build a web app today with Backbone, Ember or Knockout ?

see The Brutal Lifecycle of JavaScript Frameworks

I would say, after Flash EOL, there is more chance that AIR keep being developed than the opposite.

Right now, there are many things that force AIR to stay compatible with Flash, without Flash backward compatibility then AIR development can evolve less encumbered.

Also, even if Flash got EOL'ed, even if many criticize ActionScript etc.

If you look at ActionScript 3 and Adobe AIR, those techs date back from 2006, more than a decade ago.

They are older than many new shiny things, also if you compare them to some of those new hot things like some JS frameworks, you can see that AIR is actually outlasting them.

eg. if I had built a desktop app based on AIR in 2010 (or earlier) I can still build it in 2018 (and with more features),
you could not say that about an app built with Backbone.js for example.

More importantly, Adobe AIR is not dependent on the browser vendors to keep on existing,

browser vendors can force browser plugins out but they can not impose anything on an independent runtime.

Tophermiller  wrote

Thanks.   I don’t want to do future development, just want to preserve some work in AS3/Flash that took many years and millions of dollars to develop and is responsible for a lot of my company’s revenue.   Repackaging it as a desktop app in AIR might be the only way to save it past Dec 2020.

As long as you don't want to publish on the web, Adobe AIR is a good solution indeed.

With the current AIR SDK (31), even if Adobe decided to end AIR today, an Adobe AIR app could still be published with the AIR SDK for many years after on the desktop, the lifespan would probably be shorter on mobile as the operating systems there move faster and so require often updates to the runtime.

Example, few years ago Adobe decided to stop AIR support on the Linux platform in favour of supporting AIR on mobile platforms,

so the latest AIR version available for Linux is AIR 2.6, few do it but you can still publish AIR app for Linux today, it is limited to AIR 2.6 features and 32-bit apps but it does still work.





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Advocate ,
Oct 03, 2018 Oct 03, 2018

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You make a great case for the technology itself which I could do too. The technology is not the problem, Adobe commitment is as it has been for Flash as well and it's our main reason for dropping AIR. I could make a list of our concerns but you know them as well as I do and I probably posted that list a few times already. AIR and Flash should be the top development platform for web, desktop and mobile today, the only reason there are not and even Flash is getting the trash bin is Adobe and Adobe alone. Mainly I see no reason why AIR won't get the same fate, all the signs are there and are the same signs we had a few years back with Flash.





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Enthusiast ,
Oct 07, 2018 Oct 07, 2018

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since this thread started in July 2017
Adobe updated AIR from AIR 26 to AIR 31

every 3 months you have an update and so for many years now

see Flash Player and Adobe AIR features list

this is fact, this is commitment





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Engaged ,
Oct 07, 2018 Oct 07, 2018

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I was so excited with AIR 31. It blew my mind away. I could handle so many new features. I hope AIR 32 will continue this truly awesome work so we can get more features every 3 months.





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Advocate ,
Oct 12, 2018 Oct 12, 2018

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Out of curiosity can you please tell me what specifically you consider a "new feature"? And how that could possibly blow your mind away?





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Engaged ,
Oct 12, 2018 Oct 12, 2018

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ASWC​ I was sarcastic (due to the previous "commitment" posts )   The last 2 versions were disappointing and look like a "maintenance" update. My company has already started moving to other platforms.





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Advocate ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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lol nice one! I totally fell for it! Good for you and your company, I think the chances that you guys are making a wrong move are very very ultra small.





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Advocate ,
Oct 12, 2018 Oct 12, 2018

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The "commitment" you are talking about has made AIR a cross platform technology that is, for years now, no longer cited in any articles listing/recommending cross platform technologies. In any "recommended cross platform technology" articles, AIR is nowhere to be seen.

In a few years in cross platform technology articles AIR went from top of list to footnotes to not mentioned.

In a few years AIR jobs went from a good amount to none.

You wanted to talk about facts then you got some here.

Adobe is only committed to keeping what AIR supports current and fixing a few bugs on occasion (exact same thing Adobe did with Flash), that's all. Adobe will never allow AIR to support new platforms (which is why AIR is now abandoned and not mentioned in cross platform articles).





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Enthusiast ,
Oct 12, 2018 Oct 12, 2018

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You can not compare the Flash era and the Adobe AIR era, those are 2 different things

Flash era was

  • a plugin in the browser
  • extremely viral thanks to light runtime and SWF container
  • when HTML/JS was lacking behind
  • updates were about every years
  • everyone was excited about what would be the new features
    from flash 6 to 8 to 8 to 9 etc.
  • if you wanted to target games and advertising
    Flash was almost like a standard, you could not avoid it
  • you had a lot of employee jobs because many companies
    wanted to target the above games and ads mainly

Adobe AIR era is

  • a runtime that got free from the browser limitations
    the Out Of Browser experience
  • target the most popular most used operating systems
  • it is mature
    the experience/knowledge of 10+ years of AS3
  • can be extended to "anything that's not there" (ANE)
  • updates are every 3 months
  • it is less exciting to wait for updates as they happen more often
    put together all the updates for a year to really compare
  • no more employee jobs, but enabling tons of indie dev

If you could see Flash as a creative tool for the web
Adobe AIR is more like a middleware to build cross-platform apps

A lot of technology is shared between the two but they don't do the same kind of thing
they have different purpose and so that change the whole dynamic of marketing/PR and job market

A Flash guy who 10 years ago was hired to build interactive web site, games, etc. for a media agency
can now be with Adobe AIR an independent developer that sell the service of building apps for desktop/mobile

Look at popular AIR apps, let's take for example Balsamiq Mockups
from one app build with Adobe AIR by one guy this generated a whole business
that provide work for 30 employees or so

You don't market apps like Balsamiq based on the technology it is build with
you market the app itself, there Adobe AIR enabled them to build a desktop app
for Mac and Windows

With the maturity of Adobe AIR, and everything around: the language AS3, the tooling etc,
you don't needs hundreds of new features every few months
at the very worst you are missing some specific things and you can add some ANE to extend the app

you can simply not apply the Flash era logic to Adobe AIR





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Engaged ,
Oct 13, 2018 Oct 13, 2018

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Yeah! Who needs new features like Android Adaptive Icons, Instant Apps, App Actions, AR/VR, Wearable notifications, Sound without ANRs? No one is using these nowadays.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 14, 2018 Oct 14, 2018

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Wow your sarcasm is so...lame!

Move to another platform if you aren't satisfied. Or write to Adobe seperately but please don't clutter this forum with pointless complaining. Beta 31 compiles on IOS 12 and Mojave, which is a big hurdle. Apple throws a lot of things in our way collectively and I appreciate Adobe keeping up with it.

Thanks Adobe, keep up the good work.





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Explorer ,
Oct 14, 2018 Oct 14, 2018

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Dear stubborn people..
Adobe provides AIR SDK for FREE, You pay NOTHING but they keep developing it.
If Adobe's direction hurts you, moving to other platform is the best decision.

If you have too much love-hate relationship with Flash/AIR it is now the time to draw straight-bold-line and then accept the actual situation that Flash is no longer the cool kid on the school.

I don't know how many times I say : if you love Flash/AIR then live it, if you hate Flash/AIR then leave it.

STOP waste your time banging your head on AIR's future.





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Engaged ,
Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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And this is the exact thing my company did, we are moving everything to other platforms. We have award winning mobile apps built with AIR, we have more than 1.5 million downloads in our apps, with great ratings, even the ones built with Flex. I have nothing against AIR and I still love it, but if we want to be honest, the last 2 released didn't add much in the SDK and people who say we don't need new things are just trying to find excuses. Also this "it is free so they should do a lazy job" is another excuse. I'd rather pay 30-50k for licences in unity and have all bugs fixed within a month. I believe that any serious developer feels the same.

ps. Stop adding Flash next to AIR. People who do that made our lives harder for years, making clients always ask "but is it flash?"





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Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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Nah... This is a true love-hate relationship that I mentioned before.

" I'd rather pay 30-50k for licences in unity and have all bugs fixed within a month. I believe that any serious developer feels the same."

...if so, now draw your bold line and just say "bye".





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