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Hi Guys
I managed to get all my buttons work correctly. now i need some help with sound/music. I need the title music to play at the start of my project frames 1-28 where my first bit of frame by frame animation runs with it. But when I test project the animation runs ok but no music. But when i press button to go to another part of the project and return to home page the animation plays ok again and the music to but only for the duration of the short animation. I need the music the keep playing in that area 1/28 until the user press a button and move on.
Help! AlanY
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put a stop() in your first frame and an intro message along with a button/movieclip to click to trigger your timeline to play().
(user's have to interact with browser files to permit sound to play.)
Hi I got the start button working ok.plays the animation to frame 28 and stop thats what I want. But I would like to have the musicto play at the same time and keep it confined inbetween frames 1 and 28 if that is possible!
it would be easier for you to add your start button to frame 1 and then put your sound on frame 2.
but you can start your sound with code on frame 1, if that's what you want to do.
That works to keep the sound in 1-28 but the sound now stops playing at 28. Would like the music to keep playing the hole music at 28 until the user clicks another button to take them out of that area.
yes, those are the sound functions. but you don't want to call start_soundF() until you want the sound to start and you don't call stop_soundF() until you want the sound to stop.
double click the linkage field > enter soundId (uppercase i, 9th letter in alphabet)
double click to the right of the highlighted box shown in your screenshot.
the listener function call and function name don't match. ie,
is not the same as
ie, change one of them so they match.
excellent news!!!!
to close the browser tab, window.close();
you need to assign the linkage id to your library sound.
are you calling start_soundF()?
check the publish folder. there's probably an exe.
if not, change your target, too.
it's in the output name field path which in your screenshot is the same as the folder where you're saving your fla.
you have to use a non-self signed digital certificate,
the same code will work for all air (desktop, ios, android) versions.
nice. you're doing your own troubleshooting.
(it's definitely getting easier to help you.)
contact apple support for help.
p.s. did you pay the $100+?
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sorry I have not tried attaching it earlier in this community. 😊 but this has an easy solution. Would love to solve it. will do a small video and send it to you tomoro.
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the listener function call and function name don't match. ie,
is not the same as
ie, change one of them so they match.
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This is working well (frame6_ and frame6.) made them the same as you suggeted. I works!!! as I want it. Will put code into the remaining buttons and test them too. Many thanks fingers x.
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excellent news!!!!
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All exit the area buttons working well also. Over the moon, thanks again for your patience and expertise.
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that did take a while, but all's well in the end.
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Hi again
What code would I have to use in a quit or exit button to close the program?
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to close the browser tab, window.close();
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you're getting better/faster at implementing code!
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Next thing I want to attempt is changing this progam to play on "desk top, android and ios systems." any thoughts on that!
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you'll be using different code (though it's not really much different). many coding languages are very similar, but details matter.
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Have not a clue what to buy here. Any suggestions would be welcome!
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@Alan5E07 use the free tier until/unless you find a need for something else. i've never used anything else. they have a splash page when launching, but that's it. nothing afterwards to interfere with your app(s).
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Sorry for a bump, but did you try changing the sound from "stream" to "event"?
Should help. 🙂
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the sound question's been answered.
p.s. if you don't get banned for already including a iink your previous message, don't add more non-essential links to your messages.
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Hello again
Starting to recode my button to functions for air-desktop dont understand the error!
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Button all working ok now! Was using HTML 5 canvas. Now using Action Script in code snippets, Ok now.
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My exit window button not working. Help!
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what kind of project?
air, ios, android?
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air desk top for windows.
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That worked well, thanks agaian for your help!
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Still working on air-desk top poject. Cant get the intro music to play maybe needs new code!
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change that code to:
var sound1:Sound = new soundId();
var sound1SC:SoundChannel;
function start_soundF():void{
sound1SC =
function stop_soundF():void{