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An Open letter to Adobe About Flash 8

Community Beginner ,
Aug 29, 2018 Aug 29, 2018

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In this little letter here, I'd like to discuss Adobe Animate, and Macromedia Flash 8.

I'm going to begin by describing a scenario. Jim. wants to get into animation. he has a really cool project in mind to make this animation. he looks up what his best options are for animation. ToonBoom and Adobe Animate come up. but both are not only frantically expensive, but SUBSCRIPTION based as well! This little passion project of his doesn't have any backers and Jim completely broke. He enters the word Free at the beginning of the search bar. then discovers that Macromedia Flash 8 is available for download in several different locations. after doing a bit of research he sees that Adobe doesn't seem to mind due to the fact that they haven't done anything for YEARS to really crack down on it, and it seems widely used.

he downloads Macromedia Flash 8 from a strange place off a strange website, luckily there are no viruses. he makes his passion project and is quite happy with his work.

However now he is at complete risk of being fined to the point where his entire life could be destroyed in an instant if he is discovered for using a 13 year old piece of software for a little passion project that he wanted to make.

Believe it or not that scenario happens literally every single day.

Macromedia flash 8 is a VERY widely used program. so much so that collaborations involving animation have to specify software versions from Flash 8, to Flash CS6, to Animate.

Animate in itself is a very shiny and pretty program mind you. I've seen it in action and used it myself. wonderful set of tools. While it may be lacking some optimization and a plethora of features when compared to Animate, Flash 8 still does it's job as a very basic and rudimentary art/animation program.

There are literally thousands of artists at risk for being fined. Adobe LITERALLY has the power to snuff out the animation community in an instant if they put enough money and work into it.

However... that would be fairly counter productive and could lead to a serious outrage against Adobe for attacking the creative community. The creative Cloud kills Creation. in a sense. Irony at it's best.

So here is my suggestion to Adobe:

Polish Macromedia Flash 8 some to be a bit more compatible with more recent Operating systems if need be, and release it as freeware. it would put a VERY good impression on Adobe as a company and would allow creators to have more confidence, not only to release their works, but talk about the programs they used to create it.

Now I'm not saying to give Flash 8 a complete overhaul. Keep it as is, small, dinky, slightly buggy. and kinda frustrating at times. Keep it to be the Flash 8 we know. Now not only would this allow Content Creators to more easily have the tools they needed to make what they wished without threat, it also gives them respect to Adobe for supporting smaller creators and incentive TO those smaller creators to purchase animate once they become more notable.

This also allows people to become familiar with the classic Adobe Software layout, which would make them gravitate towards what's familiar. I personally wouldn't get Flash 8 then go onto ToonBoom for example. I know how to use Flash, so I'm going to get Animate because it's the latest version of what I already know

This applies to all software mind you. even older versions of Photoshop could apply to this rule.

I hope that this letter finds the Staff of Adobe well and I hope that it gets moved up the chain so that those who can put it into play may consider this.

Macromedia Flash 8 is still in use. it is still widely popular. IT'S STILL RELEVANT. please help the Animation Community in this regard.

Thank you for reading.

I hope I didn't just make a fool of myself.

P.S: would this be at all possible?






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Mentor ,
Feb 08, 2019 Feb 08, 2019

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It would be an interesting notion, but unfortunately you and I both know that Adobe could or would never update an ancient version of Flash, or release it as freeware.

Nor is it necessary.

Let's return our attention to Jim. After checking out the Adobe Animate and Toonboom sites, he finds himself shocked by the those costly rents. And the perpetual license of the most basic Toonboom Essentials still costs hundreds of dollars. Jim is sad. He just wants to animate, and after having checked out Flash 8, he is disappointed by the instability and problematic export of that old version.

His paper boy gig just about pays for some extra snacks at school, and lately he got bullied by some seniors who stole part of his hard-earned cash.

Worse, he is aware that he is using a cracked version of Flash 8. This doesn't sit quite right with him.

All in all, it's a depressing situation. Jim browses Youtube video tutorials for more information about animation software, and can't believe his luck: someone is making pretty cool animations with something called "OpenToonz".

Easy cut-out animation in OpenToonz (using the skeleton tool) - OpenToonz Tutorial - YouTube

Jim visits the OpenToonz website, and he is amazed to learn that OpenToonz is used for a number of major feature-length animation films. Best of all, it is completely free and open source! And works on low-powered hardware as well. Which is good, because his computer isn't exactly triple-A quality. Rather, C quality.

And full vector and bitmap drawing/animation support, just like Toonboom Advanced and Harmony!

He downloads and installs OpenToonz. Initially he is a bit bewildered by the workflow, but the video tutorials on YouTube help him to create his first animation. He soon discovers that the software is quite simple to use, and very quick and efficient to work with. Exploring the software, he realizes that OpenToonz is more or less as powerful as Toonboom Advanced, and as good with compositing and effects as Toonboom Harmony!

Jim finishes another animation, and gets better and better. OpenToonz is pretty stable (way better than those old cracked versions of Flash), and offers much more functionality for animation; even when compared to the latest Animate CC. He also discovers that lip-sync can be automated for his characters with Papagayo, which is compatible with OpenToonz. Papagayo is also open source and free! He gets more excited by all the possibilities.

Jim grows as an animator, and OpenToonz accommodates that growth exponentially. He is now getting into background painting, and found another nice open source gem for this: Krita. And for 3d stuff Blender 2.8 looks great! Another open source power house!

Jim is happy, and did not have to spend a dime on powerful professional animation apps, nor rely on old illegal cracked animation software. He is on his way to become a proficient animator.

Well done, Jim.





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Community Beginner ,
May 27, 2022 May 27, 2022

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I'm starting to agree with Adobe.

It's not about what version it is, it doesn't matter if it's free... it matters if you need to animate.

If you wanna animate for free (especially if you use Linux like me), there's tons of tools, including:

Wick Editor (closest to Flash, best for Tweening)

Blender (has a 2D animation workflow as well)

OpenToonz (highly recommended since, well, it's used on TV shows and films.)

Have a day.





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Community Expert ,
May 28, 2022 May 28, 2022

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This topic is from 2018.


Flash Player was discontinued in 2020 when browsers ended support for plugins.



Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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