Can you stream mp4 video to a HTML5 MPU to bypass limited file size for internet advertisting?
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Hi I've been tasked with creating a suite of internet banner adverts (MPUs, Skyscrapers etc) and the advertising campaign makes heavy use of video from TV adverts. My question is, is there a CDN streaming service that can stream an mp4 files into the containing MPU html5 as a background element?
I used to do Flash banner adverts years ago and while I never got to use a CDN (Content delivery network) I know there was a way of linking a .flv video hosted on CDN. This would help bypass the limited file size (<50KB) for the container HTML file.
Can Adobe animate facilitate this kind of feature. Otherwise I will have to revert to a limited style of static image animation.
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you can use a video component and load your videos.
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Ok thanks, so I guess ultimately it will be down to whether the digital advert service will all external video to be streamed into the containing HTML5. i believe the google platform doesn't allow this which is a shame. I'll have to investigate this with the media planning agency. Are there any restrictions with the video component? eg does this have to have a play nav bar? Hopefully not so it can be kept as a passive background animation without the need for the user to allow video or anything like that.
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the only animate-side restriction is you must use a web video format (eg, mp4, ogg, ogv, webm).
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Ok thanks
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you're welcome.
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Are there any restrictions with the video component? eg does this have to have a play nav bar? Hopefully not so it can be kept as a passive background animation without the need for the user to allow video or anything like that.
Autoplaying background video can be problematic on some web devices. It might work acceptably well or it might not. Be sure to test with various devices and browsers. Keep in mind that mobile users often have limited data plans. So if you use background video, make sure the file size is minimal. Sometimes a looping animated GIF is a better option for adverts.