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I created these characters in illustrator and i've been have problems when i come to animate it in Animate cc with a classic tween as the parts go do dally, all over the place. As its create in illustrator does it make it more complicated to animate and should i create it in animate??
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using ai is ok, but there's a lot that can go wrong and you didn't explain much, so it's hard to help you.
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Sorry so I import all of the parts in anÃmate and made them into symbols. Then I would create new key frames and change the anchor point, rotate it or size ect. When I would do my whole sequence I would then create the layers into a classic tweens but when I would play it back the images would start to rotate or move from it original place. So I don't know if its because it was created in illustrator, it makes it a bit out of sinc where as if I created it in anÃmate it wouldn't be this problematic
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Copy the character directly from Adobe Illustrator and paste it directly into Adobe Animate.
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Animate has a great drawing engine and your character could easily be drawn using Animate's tools. That said, have you separated your character's body parts for paper cut-out style animation or are you doing pose-to-pose full animation? Provide some specifics so we can offer better help.
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Paper cut-out style?? What i do was import it as one image then once in animate separate the layers and made each one a symbol. Then with each one being on a separte layer i would change the potion, change the anchor point (transform) of each layer. i didn't use the bone tool as it was complicated.
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You just described "paper cut-out" style animation. Just make sure you edit the center point before adding additional keyframes (if using Classic Tween). The center point needs to be in the same location for all keyframes in the tween.