I've been asked to create an effect similar to this:
Note how the image in the background always fills the browser
window and always stays in proper aspect ratio with cropping as
necessary, but the text on top of it floats over the image
depending on how big the window is and the size of the text does
not change.
I've been able to manage most of this. I can get my image to
resize in the browser window to always fill it completely and crop
as necessary. But the type that I want to place over the image also
resizes, which I don't want it to do. I've done this by creating a
custom class, which I've attached, and then setting the size of the
swf file on the page at 100%.
Any advice, help or suggestions as to how I can create a .swf
file where ONLY the background expands but the rest of the content
stays the same size would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very