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Hi, How can I make this system as3/air ?
I have found a lot of ANE and examples but it is not that way.
i want to My sound Play/Pause Notification.
Andorid links:
Playing background Audio in Android with MediaSessionCompat - Learn Programming Together
Android custom notification for music player Example | Tutorials Face
Here's a link to a simple background audio player APK
Dropbox - TestBackgroundAudioPlayer.apk
And a quick little video of the notification in action along with the Android Wear interaction.
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i don't understand your question(s).
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i want to this notification :
But I can only do :
my use code :
notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
n = new Notification();
n.actionLabel = "Open";
n.alertPolicy = NotificationAlertPolicy.EACH_NOTIFICATION;
n.cancelOnSelect = true;
n.hasAction = true;
n.actionData = "customAction";
n.iconType = NotificationIconType.MESSAGE;
n.numberAnnotation = 0;
n.ongoing = false;
n.playSound = true;
n.repeatAlertUntilAcknowledged = false;
n.vibrate = true;
n.tickerText = "My Ticker Text";
n.title = "My Title Text";
n.body = "My Body Text";
link: AIR ANE Notifications
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Do you have a sample code, ANE or apk ?
I will receive accordingly.
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i posted a link to a milkman ane which i have.
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there are no examples on this link.
Do you have a sample code, ANE or apk ?
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i have sample code, but you have to purchase the ane.
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I buy the product but I need to see the demo.
If I do not want it, it's a waste.
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import com.milkmangames.nativeextensions.*;
var ONESIGNAL_APP_ID:String="put your id here";
var GCM_PROJECT_NUMBER:String="put your project number here";
// setup
function setupOneSignal():void
// onesignal mode
EasyPush.oneSignal.addEventListener(PNOSEvent.TOKEN_REGISTRATION_FAILED, onRegFailed);
// see tags
function setOneSignalTags():void
var tags:Object={Tag1:"first tag", Tag2:"Second tag"};
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do you know if the ANE you use supports local notification that includes a play/pause button?
play/pause button notification?
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i'm not sure that makes sense.
if a user action (like pressing a button) is supposed to trigger something, why would you use push notification? that's like trying to apply a complex solution to a simple problem.
if you want something to appear when a user presses your play/pause, handle that in your actionscript.
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The screen he is showing isn't the app, it's the lock screen of the phone. It still doesn't need to be push notification, it's all just a local event. But do you know of any ANE that can show that sort of notification?
I just realized there may be a terminology difference, and that this thing is really a widget. See this article:
I don't know if there is a widget ANE.
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I think they can find a solution to this situation.
myflashlabs or milkmanplugins.
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kglad​ one thing to be sure of is the play button feature. I know local notifications more than push notifications, and for this application I thinks that local ones would do. It would avoid any push servers charges too.
But for interest, do you know if the ANE you use supports local notification that includes a play/pause button?
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I am building something similar, and I don't think that either myflaslabs or milkman ANE will do. I have both but they can only be used for a simple alert - local notification. The main missing feature is the button place.
I am thinking of creating an ANE on my own just for this.
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I have the same problem too (((
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still, I could not solve the problem. If you find anything, can you share with us please. 😕
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I am moving forward with building an ANE for this. There is no other way to solve the problem.
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All Hope for You!! )))
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we are waiting excitedly
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The ANE will be released after some time from myflashlabs. If anyone want to chip in for the R&D, you are more than welcome. PM me.
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We are all ready in touch on Starling forum
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Is there a development about this project?
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If anyone has access to our MediaPlayer ANE the current beta supports a notification for audio background playback. We'd welcome any feedback!