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Hi, I work as an animator, and have been working with Flash for years, but lately I've been having a huge problem with the audio. Sync mode is set to Stream as it should be, but I can no longer hear the audio as I'm dragging the cursor through the keyframes. It's very important, since any animator can attest that there is no way to accurately create stuff like lipsync without hearing each individual keyframe. I don't know what started the problem, but it feels like it's completely random. Sometimes I can hear it, sometimes not. Same goes for testing the SWF movie, sometimes it plays the audio, sometimes it just starts the animation but no sound. Please help me elucidate this very frustrating problem. Thank you in advance!
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Tanks !
I was in HTML5 and I could not use Stream.
In ActionScipt 3.0, it works !
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Could it be the Audio itself? I have found that Flash (at least for me) does not like .wav files ESPECIALLY if created in or edited in Audition. I've found that if I switch to an aiff the file works, but if I listen to it via .wav, it gives me a flat line with no audio. Sometimes it crashes as well.
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Hmm, I'll try changing the audio, thanks for the suggestion! I'll post an update later on. But can you please shed some light on how exactly the aiff is different and why it should react different to it? Thanks!
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Sorry I have no idea why it works that way, just that it does.
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This issue sounds familiar, but I am not able to remember exactly what my problem/solution was. I know I recently had an issue with streaming audio where it simply would not work the way it was supposed to unless I had the compression set to 'raw'. It was a hassel because it dramatically increased the size of our app, however it worked at least.
Not sure if that could help you.
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Choose / select (highlight) the AUDIO on the timeline - Open to PROPERTIES window - under SOUND you should see the option SYNC with a drop down menu - select STEAM
that should work
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Wow, I'm seeing this 5 years later but THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I didn't know what was happening, now it's fixed!!!!
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The ability to add keyframe to a sound layer is a recent addition to Flash. Previously if you had keyframes the sound would start from the beginning again, now you can create gaps in the audio. Whether that's relevant or not I'm not sure! But, you would not normally have keyframes during the span of a single sound. If that is your case though, check each span of the sound to see that they are all set to Stream.
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I have the same problem at home. Somebody has a solution ??
I can't hear audio on timeline when dragging on adobe animate.
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Well, did you set it to Stream?
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Tanks !
I was in HTML5 and I could not use Stream.
In ActionScipt 3.0, it works !
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I had the same issue. Wasnt able to hear audio when I scrubbed the playhead (even when set to "stream")
I tried all the other suggestions to no avail. What DID work for me was cutting and pasting all the layers in a new document.
and it worked! Hope this helps someone!
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Please check First Publish Setting and see which is action script use. If its Action Script 3.0 then change it Action script 2.0
Then Go in Menu "Control" option and check off last option "Mute Sounds".
You will find your timeline Audio play and you can sync properly Audio and Animation
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I'm having the same problem, I could upload a wav file or an aiff file but not mp3 for some reason. and those files both only play audio after the second time i press play and let it go through. However I cant for the life of me get the #$&*@^ audio to play as i flip through the keyframes. this is on action 3 as well as the air for desktop... I highly doubt its because of audio thats been on Audition because one of the token perks of adobe products is that they intermingle really well, which is why they are all built very similar if not the same.
Does anyone have any other ideas?????
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Hey man I've also found that if you have the audio layer hidden the audio won't play. I hid it once on mistake and couldn't figure out why the sound wasn't playing.