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i have a bunch of layers for a character so i want to merge them together to clean it up, but i cant figure out how. ive been trying for hours please help
Unlock all the layers. Select all the layers. Then paste them back onto one layer.
Make sure you SELECT all the layers you want to merge in the timeline panel - then right-click over the highlighted area (near layer names) and select Merge Layers.
You can wrap the layers inside a container by selecting the desired range of layers (click the first, hold down Shift, click the last), then right-clicking to trigger the context menu and from there choosing "Convert Layers to Symbol"
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if you're just trying to tidy things up, you can create a folder and put those layers in that folder.
if you really want all the assets in the same layer select the layers you want to merge (using shift click and/or ctrl click)>right click>click merge layers
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whenever i hit shift it doesnt work
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you should: create a folder and put those layers in that folder.
if there's some reason that doesn't work for you, what problem is there?
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Are the various layers different graphics like PNGs or are they vector graphics? You tidy/merge layers as kglad has said. If there is something else you'd like to do with reducing the amount of assets, let us know the format and otehr options can be given
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Unlock all the layers. Select all the layers. Then paste them back onto one layer.
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Make sure you SELECT all the layers you want to merge in the timeline panel - then right-click over the highlighted area (near layer names) and select Merge Layers.
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is it possible to separate back the merged layers?
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Merging is 'destructive'. Always keep a copy/version of the file in a state before the merging.
Much better, to preserve your layer structure and editability nest your content inside a symbol instead.
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I tried to ctrl+x and ctrl+shift+v several symbols into one layer but it didn't work.
I am a very beginner and cannot animate my symbols after putting them in a layer because I cannot hear the audio when I go in the layer. Instead, I animated the symbols without putting them in one layer but I want to put them in one layer after I give them the animation because if I don't, there are too many layers/symbols in the timeline. I hope made myself clear... I am open to any youtube video instruction suggestions to illustrate this as well!
Thanks in advance
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in other words, how can I nest my content inside a symbol? 🙂 Thanks
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You can wrap the layers inside a container by selecting the desired range of layers (click the first, hold down Shift, click the last), then right-clicking to trigger the context menu and from there choosing "Convert Layers to Symbol"
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Thank you very much for your reply.
Sorry, I wasn't very clear.
As you can see in the ss that I would like to put all the selected items in the timeline and put them all in one folder or one layer.
Many thanks
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That is exactly what I showed you how to do.
Everything will be wrapped inside a Graphic Symbol container. It will only occupy one layer and will play in sync.
Inside the structure will remain intact and still be editable (as opposed to if layers were merged).
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Right, I did it and it worked! thank you very very much, I really appreciate the help!
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or putting them into a folder is, at least, and perhaps more beneficial. just add a folder and drag the selected layers to the folder.
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thank you very much for being helpful, I will start using it in case of too many layers! thanks a lot!
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i find it very useful to tidy things if i have more than a few layers. best of all, it changes nothing else (including coding/object references as contrasted with converting layers into a symbol).
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thank you very much I really appreciate that!
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you're welcome.