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Hello. I'm trying to add an event listener that will move the playhead to a frame and stop once a video ends. I'm using a video component. I just can't figure it out. Is this possible with html5/canvas?
1 Correct answer
if your component's instance name is videoPlayer:
var video;
var tl = this;
function checkInitF() {
if (video) {
video.addEventListener("ended", function(){
// video ended. do whatever. eg,
} else {
video = $("#videoPlayer")[0];
setTimeout(checkInitF, 100);
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if your component's instance name is videoPlayer:
var video;
var tl = this;
function checkInitF() {
if (video) {
video.addEventListener("ended", function(){
// video ended. do whatever. eg,
} else {
video = $("#videoPlayer")[0];
setTimeout(checkInitF, 100);
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I have simplified this to understand faster. At launch I want them to see a video. i know they must press the play button on the video player skin to start the video. Once the video is finished, go to frame 2 and stop (which is really frame 3 on the timeline).
Here I've put the ode on frame 0 (frame 1), where the video component is. I just want it to stop at frame 2 when the video is completed.
So I tried using your code. Since my movie clip instance is named "scene1_mc", do I put that here?
var video;
var tl = this;
function checkInitF() {
if (video) {
video.addEventListener("ended", function(){
// video ended. do whatever. eg,
} else {
video = $("#scene1_mc")[0];
setTimeout(checkInitF, 100);
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no. that's the instance name of your video component. ie, click to select it and check the properties panel for its instance name. use that in
video = $("#videoPlayer")[0];
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When I look at the properties panel, I see it is named "Video". Is that correct?
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I gave it a unique name "mcVideo", but still won't work. Does the code need to be on all frames? Or just the first one?
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no, Video not the instance name. that's the symbol (in your library) name.
your screenshot shows the instance name is scene1_mc (which is an unwise name, but it's allowable).
i don't see mcVideo anywhere, but if you changed scene1_mc to mcVideo (a better name), then you would use:
video = $("#mcVideo")[0];
and that code just goes in frame 0 where your video component is instantiated.
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Yes, I have the instance name "scene1_mc". I have the symbol properties named "mcVideo". Still won't work though.
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I added a semi colon after goto and stop at 2 line of code. Still no luck.
var video;
var tl = this;
function checkInitF() {
if (video) {
video.addEventListener("ended", function(){
// video ended. do whatever. eg,
} else {
video = $("mcVideo")[0];
setTimeout(checkInitF, 100);
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I zipped it here if you can take a look, I would be forever grateful.