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Hello everbody. I saw that other people have this problem too but so far there wasnt a solution.
There are fonts which work perfectly fine with all the other adobe apps but not in Animate and its driving me crazy. For some reason Animate cant get the kerning right:
In Indesign:
In Animate:
I am using a Mac with Sonoma 14.1.2 and Adobe Animate version 24.0.
Why, is that and what can I do about it? Playing around with the kerning settings doesnt change anything.
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Nobody any idea?
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I can only say that there have been multiple reports about font issues with Animate on Sonoma.
As far as I understand Sonoma is not an officially supported OS for Animate, but I may be wrong.
Here is a quick search, which should show you a few threads, but I have never seen a meaningful answer:
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Yes, I saw that too and how you said, not really any usefull answers. So there is nothing I can do, just wait that Adobe maybe fix that one day?
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you can try rolling back to the previous animate version (v 23)
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I just tried with 23.0.3, same problem. I guess the problem ist more caused by the update to Sonoma. So far I didnt see this kind of problem coming from windows users.
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I just tried to fill out the Wish Form and I couldnt choose Mac Os 14.x as an operating system. An then I did a quick reserach, and you are right, Sonoma is not officially supported yet. But that's the case with Indesign, Photoshop etc as well. And there the fonts work perfectly fine. Anyway, I got a different problem in Indesign since updating to Sonoma so I guess the only thing I can do is going back to Ventura till Adobe figured that out.
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This isn't just Sonoma. This has been a problem for years. I'm having that issue now and no clue how to fix it. I'm using Museo. Looks fine in everything except Animate on Mac. There's also a leading issue when going from mac to PC and that has been the case for almost 10 years. I've reported it at least 4 times.
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I just tried. So. This is interesting: in the dropdown menue for choosing the operating system I actually cant choose Mac Os 14.x, which is Sonoma.
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the spacing between letters or characters in a piece of text to be printed.
Currently this is a issue with j, p, g and q. This is basically because the strokes are down, and AdobeAnimate only accepts everything except for these letters. Idk why but this might be a theory.
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Your text was too tight and loose so Adobe had to space it.
Also you should probably use a different font, mate.
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This is happening because the type is set to static text vs dynamic text. I believe the static text puts every character in a box that's the same width and ignores proper letter spacing. You can change this by clicking on your text box with the selection tool and changing it in the properties panel under object. There's a dropdown box.