Media encoder not auto opening and converting when I export avide/media file from Animate
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Hi everyone--Frank Here--long time Flash and Animate user
I wasn't using Animate for a while--just updated to 2022
Media encoder is not auto opening when I export avide/media file from Animate lke it used to.
Now I have to clode Media Encoder--export the media/video file, then open Media Encovder--then it will auto open and convert to an mpg.
if I leave media Encovder open--when i go to export in Animate--the "export media" window won't open--I have to clode Media Encovder again--this used to be automatic--can anyone help? thnks--Frank
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open ame and then export your video to a fixed drive.
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hi--I'm exporting to an ecternal drive--I believe it s a fixed drive
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don't export to an external drive.
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Mac or windows? If it's mac, you have to go to your preference and allow adobe animate and media coder to talk to each other. I know its a pain but it is a security thing mac does. I believe it's under security and privacy under automation. It says allow apps below to control other apps.
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I'm on a mac--I cant find "allow apps below to control other apps" under automation--I'm using 10.15.7--only because I have a cintiq- (older model) that wont wotk if I upgrade further--I'll looka round for it--I clicked a few other things to allow adobe animate more access--will see if it works
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I had media Encover 2022 and 2023 instaled--I uninstalled 2022 and it seems to be working--At least--If I have media encovder opened--it automatically converts like before--I'll have to try and see if it open media encoder automatically if it's closed--Ok I think problem fixed--than ks so much--F
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Have you tried just to open media Encoder and then export from animate?
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(@Nick Gioia see first response to op.)
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yeah--it seems to wotk once media encoder is open.
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<slaps forehead>
that was the first thing suggested: "open ame and then export your video to a fixed drive."
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Ok. That's what I do to get it to work for me. It's got to be a bug. I can't get it to auto-open for me either. So I guess opening Adobe encoder before you export will be the workaround.