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i have a big problem in the new version of the modern rigging , the asset warp tool always make adobe animate crushes and sudenly closed ..also when i reopen the file some of the object in stage disappeared , only i see the pivot points moving nothing else and its make me remake some of my animation again , thats really waste of time...also evrey time i closed the file and reopen it again all the rigge that i did stoped working i have to select one of the bones and from the properties i switch the bone option for examble from the hard to soft and then back to hard option again to make the animation work can any body here knows the reason?? ....are the software not stable yet ? or whate? because i began to feel that this new tool is usless although it will be vey effective if its runs well
so please help
1 Correct answer
Hmmm I have not experienced this on my end using a MacBook Pro M1. I have been using the Asset Warp tool with an imported PSD file. Looks like you are using vectors which should work but maybe try going to Preferences > Drawing and uncheck the box that auto-converts your vectors to bitmap?
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Hmmm I have not experienced this on my end using a MacBook Pro M1. I have been using the Asset Warp tool with an imported PSD file. Looks like you are using vectors which should work but maybe try going to Preferences > Drawing and uncheck the box that auto-converts your vectors to bitmap?
Animator and content creator for Animate CC
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OK ....i think that i was disabling it in the prefrence from the begening when you told me to disable it ....and you said thats its working with you perfectly in psd files .... i thought that mybe the vectors files become heavy in the adobe animate perfromance i rechecked the auto convert vector to bitmap make it easy for the softtware to caculate the verts ....but the same issue still happeining and the objects still disappearing from the stage , the comidy in all of that the past version of the asset warp "when it was only manpulating the shape with out the rigging" ....its was stable tool and never show me this bugs its really bad ...and i think it will be stable only with picture or psd files not the vectors one ...any way thanks for your support ... i really apresiate it