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I'm new to Animate and createJS, and I'm trying to learn the syntax, but I'm stuck with this code, where my loop wont loop, meaning that the outer loop stops after the first iteration.
var letters = ["M_container", "O1_container", "T_container", "I_container", "O2_container", "N_container"]
// Pause events
root.pauseBtn.addEventListener("click", pauseAll.bind(this));
function pauseAll() {
var j;
var i;
var containermc;
for (j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) {
containermc = letters
; for (i = root[containermc].numChildren - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var mc = root[containermc].getChildAt(i);
So all instances running in the first containermc "M_container" stops as intended, but then nothing else happens.
Also, I'm getting a console error from line 12 ( mc.stop();) , saying that it's not a function even though it works.
I hope someone can help me
P.s. Where can I find some guides for rewriting actionscript syntax to javascript/createJS? is fine for learning some things, but I'm an unexperienced coder, so I need some really basic stuff - maybe I should learn Javascript from the bottom?
Is native Javascript working in Animate? Sorry if it's a dumb question
you have a shape (the bg) on T that's not elsewhere.
use the timeline property to remedy:
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But NOW it works!
for (j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) {
containermc = letters
for (i = root[containermc].numChildren - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
//mc = ("root." + [containermc] + "._" + );
mc = root[containermc].getChildAt(i);
if (mc.timeline) {
Thanks very much for your help - both of you!
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But... now I'm faced with the fact, that I don't really know what I'm doing with "timeline" because it doesn't work with the play button.
I guess it's because the timelines have been stopped? What to do... can I put some 'not' operator in to fix it?
function playAll() {
var j;
var containermc;
var mc;
for (j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) {
containermc = letters
mc = root[containermc].getChildAt(i);
if (mc.timeline) {;
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what's wrong with that code?
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I'f I used the pause button to stop all the mc's, then I can not start them again using that code. How come?
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what code are you using to re-start them?
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function playAll() {
var j;
var containermc;
var mc;
for (j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) {
containermc = letters
mc = root[containermc].getChildAt(i);
if (mc.timeline) {;
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It start the O1_container, which has a timeline in it, but non of the gears are playing.
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where's the inner loop?
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Oh dear... how embarrassing...
Sorry for that, and thanks again!
Can you tell me if it is possible to ad some sort of delay, so the gears will stop/start in a sequence?
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yes, but you might find it easier to just add an increasing number of frames at the start of each gear where they do not tween.
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Thanks, but that won't have the desired effect I'm afraid, because they are placed in different orders in the letters, so the result would be very randomly looking. I wanted it to look like they stopped from the left to the right.
I hoped there was some easy way to attach some milliseconds for the loop to iterate - or something like that
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you could use code but the child gears would need to be at the depth you want to get the effect you want:
for (j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) {
containermc = letters
for (i = root[containermc].numChildren - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
mc = root[containermc].getChildAt(i);
if (mc.timeline) {
function stop_gearF(mc){
likewise with play()
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Thanks a lot!
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you're welcome.