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Resizing + moving objects

New Here ,
Aug 08, 2022 Aug 08, 2022

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Hi there,


I'm new to Animate and am having trouble resizing and repositioning objects in a streamline way.

I'm used to After Effects where I can resize something at the beginning of the timeline and it not set keyframes, and it adjust for the entire timeline.


In Animate it seems I have to resize at each keyframe, like the size and position are set at each frame.


For example, I started with a 1080x1080 and now I need a 1080x1920 and have to move and resize fading rectangles and revealing text. When I resize and move the squares at the first keyframe, it does not update for the remaining keyframes, making me need to drag and resize for each keyframe for each square.


Am I missing a way to not have the size and position set in the keyframe so I can easily move and resize for ads in different sizes?




I attached the original ad and then screenshot of the working space in the new in-progress bigger ad.






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Community Expert ,
Aug 09, 2022 Aug 09, 2022

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animate works the same way.


if you change a child's property on the parent timeline, that property remains until the next keyframe (where properties can be changed, again).


if you want to change any child's property throughout the parent timeline/layer that contains more than 1 keyframe, you must change it on all the parent's keyframes/layer containing that child.  ie, add it to a layer in an initial keyframe on the parent timeline and then create the other keyframes.  or you could change the child's properties on the child's timeline (but that will change all instances of that child).





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Community Expert ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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You would almost be better creating all your different-sized ads in InDesign and then bringing them into animate to animate them. That's how I do it. Much faster.





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