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I am very sorry, I am sure this is a stupid question, but I just can't seem to figure it out.
I have made a looping animation in Adobe Animate. I have gone into the publish settings and given it these settings:
I want it to fill the vertical dimension of whatever window I have the browser set to including the mobile window.
On desktop it looks great and acts as expected:
on mobile it does not:
Nevermind that it is not centered, it is not scaling to vit the vertical dimension. There is a whole bunch of white space at the bottom.
I have tried changing all of those publish settings and nothing is working. Interestingly it shows the animation correctly for a quarter of a second before resizing it to this incorrect view. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for any help that you can provide! Adobe Animate version 23.0.3
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The document dimensions are 1024x768 if that matters.
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Don't all speak at once!
I don't know if my question is just really stupid, and Iam approaching this all wrong, or if nobody actually knows. I can't believe that nobody actually knows because this must be something that everybody is doing all of the time. If i am doing this in a wrong way could someone please enlighten me?
In the meantime I did a test and made a test file with the same dimensions as my animation. It is still being cropped off at the same vertical point.
Then I changed the file and added a bunch of space to the vertical parameter at the bottom. It actually scales down smaller and crops off at the same point as before:
So I am still completely flummoxed.
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i think you have to hand code your app or setlle for close.
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Do you know the right way to do something like this? Should I have a separate mobile version of the scene? What is happening that it is getting cut off like this? I just want a full screen version of the scene on mobile!
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enable make responsive by width and height.
try stretch to fit and fit in view to see which gives closer to what you want.
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yeah, I have tried pretty much every permutation of the responsiveness settings and it is just not working. I think I must have to do something with the code, I just have no idea what exactly.
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I can't help, but just wanted to say:
What a beautiful, cozy scene!
Very nice color and designs!
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I am now trying to take away the responsiveness in publish settings and see if I let squarespace handle that if it will work better.
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it'll be a guaranteed mess if they're both resizing
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Hmm, try adding the following meta tag to your head tag?
<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=yes, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
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