I record audio narration for YouTube videos, and over the last few years I've developed a standard sound setup to make all the videos sound the same, including the steps of my editing process. The order of processes is;
1. Capture Noise Print
2. Noise Reduction, 50%
3. Normalize
4. Dynamics Processor, Vocal Limiter
5. Single Band Compressor, 4:1 Ratio
6. Hard Limiter, -12DB
After that I cut the audio in Premiere. But over the last couple months I've noticed that step 3, Normalize, isn't doing anything to the audio anymore. Steps 1 and 2 would clean the audio up, normalize would raise the volume, and then steps 3-6 would lower it in a clean way. But this process has been thrown into chaos since Normalize stopped doing what it normally did, and just raising base DB while recording, or just raising the DB in post doesn't work the same.
But here's the weird thing. When I highlight the entire waveform, Normalize does nothing. But when I highlight a smaller portion of it (just a minute or two) it has the desired effect. Why is this? What has changed in Audition to not make it work like it used to?