Adobe Audition Templates
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In a podcast tutorial, it said Adobe Audition has a built-in podcast template. I have Adobe Audition 2020. When I tried to open a new multitrack session, I clicked on the template box and the dropdown box had "None". Does anyone know why there are no templates listed?
Thanks for your help.
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On that dropdown, right hand end of the box, do you see a down-arrow? Click on it.
However, the advice here is to avoid at all costs the Podcast template! It seems to "add" all sorts of "effects" which have only served to "make life very difficult" for other users. Caveat emptor.
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'HTH' stands for Hope That Helps... 😉 (it's not his name!)
Anyway, the first thing you need to do (assuming that this is a PC not a Mac - the address is slightly different on a Mac) is to look at this setting in Preferences:
If for any reason you've altered it, then you won't find the templates! That is their default location.
But I have to reiterate what emmrecs said about the Podcast template - avoid it like the plague unless you understand exactly what it's doing. I have no idea why it's set up like that; it's not typical (there is no such thing as a typical podcast) and it's really not helpful to anybody starting out.
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Hi Steve,
Well . . . .I feel foolish about the HTH mistake.
Thanks for the clarification.
I'm using a MAC, not a PC.
I haven't changed any settings.
But, seeing as you and "HTH" both warned me that the template is more trouble than it's worth, I think I'll stay away from it. But, I'll still explore why no templates are listed. Guess it's the principle of the thing. Hate to think I'm paying a monthly subscription fee and not being able to access all the bells and whistles.
Thanks for your advice.
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Hi John,
Any progress on those templates? Don't have them as well on my MacBook.
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Well that's strange. I just got the latest version and when opening a file (Command+O) all session templates showed up. So problem solved.