Adobe Audition
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I hope this finds you well.
Specifically, I need your support in providing me with the necessary steps to create pauses within the recordings and to slow down the pace of the audio to match the learning pace of the beginner students.
I appreciate your prompt assistance in this matter.
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Put a copy of your voice recording into the multitrack
Toggle on global clip stretching to slow down your delivery
Pull the little white triangle to get the amount of slow down as shown in the bottom left corner of the clip
Put the cursor where you want to create a pause and use EDIT > INSERT > SILENCE
and choose the amount you need.
If you do this in the waveform view, you can use SHIFT R to repeat the insert silence command as often as you wish.
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Another completely non-tech approach might be to simply record three versions.
The results will, of course, be superior. And it might not take you too much more time, especially if you're not too experienced with the app.
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Good point.
Often the practical method is best!