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Im so confused. This is not the first time I have exported something, but it is the first time that AFTER export the audio track only plays from the left speaker. I did notice that when in Waveform, it also only plays form the left speaker. But when in Multitrack form it plays just fine. What am i doing wrong?
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Need a bit more basic information. Is this a stereo or a mono track? Mac or a PC? If it's a stereo waveform in Waveform view, do both channels show as enabled? (That would be both channels the same colour, and at the RHS of the screen, saying L and R)
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Thank you for the quick response! I have a Mac and in waveform is only shows that only the left side is audible.
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Okay - is it a stereo session before it's mixed down, or is it only mono anyway? If it's only mono in the first place, then you have two choices; either convert the file to a mono one (you can do that in Edit>Convert Sample Type by selecting Mono in the channels box) or by using the channel on-off buttons and copy and pasting from one channel to the other, you can create a stereo file with only a mono signal coming out of it. Either should play correctly out of both speakers.
If it was stereo to start with, I'd need to see a view of the Multitrack Mixer to work out how you only got half of it exported - and that is pretty much what it looks like, I have to say.
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Here is my multitrack mixer and what I'm using to export
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Also, convert sample type is grayed out and I cannot select it under the edit tab. What's also strangely frustrating is that when I go to waveform now it no longer shows that it's only coming from the left side. It looks normal now... but when I try to export it, still the same thing happens.
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Is it actually a mono session? It looks like one. Why are you using Media Encoder to export it? If you just want to save it as an MP3 you can (and probably should) do this in Audition - the outcome is generally rather more predictable! Convert Sample Type only works in Waveform view.