Audio CD Text
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I have been trying to create an audio CD for the car player and all is fine except for one small convenience matter. I was expecting to be able to see track information. After several hours of searching and some experimenting I write to the forum for some guidance or other ideas that might help me understand my failure so far. One experiment I did was to take two commercially produced audio CD's and insert them into my car's CD player. One displayed and the other did not. Taking the one that works to my PC and using Windows Media player or Audition, the track information did not appear but after I used "Update Album Information" the fields populated. So I will be able to report the outcome once I try to take the ripped audio to burn a CD for the car. But all my efforts so far have me baffled. The Windows metadata fields all are populated yet no success when I play the CD in the car. Has anyone had similar challenges?
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If you start with Edit>Insert>Entire File into CD Layout, then you should be able to insert CD text for the track in the Title column. Also note that you can edit the information about the CD as a whole by opening the Properties panel. There was at one stage a slight problem with editing the text in the title column but that appears to have been resolved - there's a thread about that here.
In the current release, it appears to be working as expected:
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the commercial CD rip-burn ended without success leading me to question the
relationship between the CD text and the PC file system metadata.
Additionally I found information from a British company advising recording
artists of the commercial CD creation process. According to that the CD
text editing is outside the control of the end user. --
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How well any app responds to the CD text metadata depends entirely on whether it was designed to read it or not. At one stage (I don't know if this is still current) you had to grab an add-on to get Windows Media Player to reveal CD text, because natively it didn't. In the same way, having the text metadata stored with a file doesn't automatically mean that it will show up as text; in order to do that, you have to save an image of the CD you're trying to create. That's not quite what Audition does though - that stores all the information to be able to create the CD image - a subtle difference. The same applies to CD players - some will read CD text, but most won't.
CD text editing is certainly outside end-user control, as it's stored as metadata when the disk is written. But it's not outside the creator's control - far from it. If you really want to do this properly though, it's expensive - you need something like Sonoris DDP creator ($350+tax), which will let you set up all the metadata easily, and store that and the audio as an image you can send to a replicator that they can create a glass master from directly. That's how I do it, because I create CDs commercially.
Oh, and that's not a suggestion above - it's how you do it. There is no alternative within Audition.
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Thanks Steve. Very helpful for me to now understand. What I used to think was a simply matter to burn a CD and have the car CD player display text is not. As you indicated it is intended for the production side of the music publishing industry. So I will now rest on this topic!