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I'm from The Netherlands! And Yes, I know....I use the old Audition 1.5 from 2004 but I use this app for many many (!) years now because it can provide me with everything I need...: just recording, editing, playing, using effects and some things more..
It's simple and that's why I like it. Don't want or need complicated new expanded apps which cost me days or weeks to just understand how they work. I just want to make music with it...
I use to play mp3 files and record them while I play guitar for example for soloing on top of it or play the rhythm parts. Worked always great for a making a demo for me or other bandmembers.
But now I have a problem: Audition 1.5 doesn't record the internal audio in my computer any more. I have a pretty brand new state of the computer since 2019. This computer is through USB connected with a Soundcraft Notepad 12 FX, also with USB. This notepad has the latest drivers for WIN 10.
In Options I check Monitor Level, Show Levels On Play and Record and Loop Mode but there's no audio coming in whatsoever...
Device Properties shows:
WAVE IN is set as follows: Mic/LINE IN 01/02 (2-Soundcraft).
WAVE OUT is set to LINE OUT 01/02 (2-Soundcraft N).
Device Order shows:
Playback Devices:
Unused Playback Devices
Line Out 01/02 (2-Soundcraft N (EV)
Multitrack Device Preference Order
1st Line Out 01/02 (2-Soundcraft N (EV)
Record Devices: Mic/Line
Recording Devices
Unused Recording Devices
Mic/Line In 01/02 (s-Soundcraft (EV)
Multitrack Device Preference Order
Recording my guitar though is no problem! This incoming audio is quite visible at the bottom of Audition 1.5
I've tried numerous things in Device Properties and Device Order to get things working but all in vain! I guess this all is Windows 10 to blame. I can't think of anythings else.
Could PLEASE someone / anyone give my any clues what to do to make it work again ...?
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After 4 months... ANYONE..???