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Audition CC Autosave function unreliable

Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2018 Dec 01, 2018

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Hi there,

I've searched through the forums, and seen that others have this problem. I've had it since I began using audition and kept assuming some new version of audition had fixed it, but now that I've upgraded to2019 came out with the same issue still I thought I'd at least make a post and register how unhappy this makes me.

I have my autosave set to save every 4 minutes, and save 100 sesx files before it starts deleting them. And I'd say it works about half the time, essentially randomly, as far as I can tell. Sometimes I will be doing work for 3-4 hours and it will consistently save sesx backups every 4 minutes. Sometimes it will stop after one hour, save nothing for a long stretch, which I don't notice until it's crashed and I have to go with the last time I hit ctrl-s (which I do as frequently as I can remember to), sometimes though I might lose 30-40 minutes of work if I was in a zone and not remembering to save.

Sometimes i look back at the sesx backup folder after doing a few straight hours of work and I see that it wasn't saving for the first couple hours, and then just decided to start making the autosaves.

I know it's not supposed to save unless work is being done - I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about autosave simply not doing it's function even while I am working in the multitrack editor.

I love new features like the essential sound panel and stuff, but can we do anything about the unstability of autosave function? I know it isn't affecting everyone but there are enough threads in this group to make it an issue worth fixing imo.,

Unless there is some solution to this already that I've missed somewhere?

I'm on windows 10, pretty good computer specs.. dunno how relevant any of it is but I can provide any info to anyone who may be able to help.




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Dec 01, 2018 Dec 01, 2018

Reading around the forums I saw someone mention "running audition as administrator sometimes fixes 'weird' bugs" - so I've tried that and so far it's gone all day functioning perfectly.

I'll report back if that changes, but for now running audition as admin seems to be a work around that gets autosave to function properly for me.


Dec 01, 2018 Dec 01, 2018

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Where is the Auto Save Backup Destination? One hundred seems an awful lot of  backups to keep. Also you shouldn't be getting Audition crashes in the first place, let alone regularly. Do you know what is causing them?




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2018 Dec 01, 2018

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I've tried multiple different locations. Originally they were in the same folder as my primary sesx file. Currently they are saved to a nearly blank 500 gb internal hard drive i just use for temp files. I've also tried an external USB3 HD I have. Through experimentation I've cocluded that where they are saved makes no difference. Nor does how many I have it set to save. I've fooled around with anywhere from 10-100.

I use audition to edit my podcast. It uses a lot of sound effects, music, ambiences, etc. There are usually anywhere for 2-10 audio streams going. The crashes start happening the more complex and larger the sesx file is. IT tends only to happen when I'm using the effects rack within multitrack, and I try to make changes on the timeline while it's playing. I  try not to use effects in the mutitrack and apply them directly to the files, but sometimes I need to automated the effects so that isn't practicle.

I'm not sure exactly what causes it, but it's related to how much audition is *doing*, in the ways I've desribed above. When I have my task manager open, crashes are sometimes accompanied by a spike in CPU use up to 100% , but often not. Usually my RAM is not full either, though I've noticed that when firefox becomes a RAM hog, restarting it can lower the frequency of crashes (though maybe I'm reading tea leaves there), but RAM usage seems to have some effect. I recently installed more ram, but the crashes still happen. I'm thinking what I would need to do is buy a new core processor, which is on my list when I can afford it. My current on is a bit old: Intel  i7-930, 8M Cache, 2.80 GHz




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2018 Dec 01, 2018

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here's an example of how dense my sesx files tend to getaudition.PNG

I've tried before separating the sections out into separate sesx files, but it becomes even less convenient than just trying my best to remember to save. I've always wished audition would incorporate something like priemieres ability to 'nest' timelines within each other, that way individual segments could be nested as smaller timelines within a larger one




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Community Expert ,
Dec 01, 2018 Dec 01, 2018

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If you are getting crashes at all, you should do what it says here:

Audition Crashed. Now what?




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2018 Dec 01, 2018

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I will do that, thanks




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2018 Dec 01, 2018

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Reading around the forums I saw someone mention "running audition as administrator sometimes fixes 'weird' bugs" - so I've tried that and so far it's gone all day functioning perfectly.

I'll report back if that changes, but for now running audition as admin seems to be a work around that gets autosave to function properly for me.




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 18, 2021 Mar 18, 2021

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Did this continue working? I am still having this problem, but haven't tried running as admin yet.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 18, 2021 Mar 18, 2021

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Running Audition as Administrator is always a good idea - I wouldn't dream of running it any other way.




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