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Audition Crashed. Now what?

Sep 08, 2011 Sep 08, 2011

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Supply General Information about the Crash

  1. What were you doing when it crashed?
  2. What have you done since you last launched the application?
  3. If it crashes with a plug-in or a file, supply information about the plug-in or file.
  4. Has anyone else experienced the crash?  Anyone else on the forums, or perhaps a friend that also owns Audition?
  5. Was there an error message?  Post a screenshot.
  6. Submit a bug report with as much of the above information here for a bug: Post here for a feature request.
  7. When asked, send additional information directly to the Adobe Audio team by emailing links to media, projects, crash dumps, or other supporting files here: audbugs@adobe.com
  8. Finally, let us know if Audition's Crash Recovery system or automatic session backups worked for you.


Supply Information about your System


Mac OS X

   Go to "About This Mac"

Screen shot 2011-09-08 at 6.05.47 PM.jpg


Press [ More Info... ] to launch the System Profiler

Screen shot 2011-09-08 at 6.06.41 PM.jpg

Go to the Start Menu > (All) Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Information

   Screen shot 2011-09-08 at 6.13.27 PM.jpg

Save the profile to a file.   Screen shot 2011-09-08 at 6.07.06 PM.jpg

Save the System Information to a file.

Screen shot 2011-09-08 at 6.16.02 PM.jpg




Supply Information about the Crash

Mac OS X

Include log files that Audition Creates by choosing Include log files that Audition Creates.​ Help > Reveal Log Files...

Screen Shot 2016-06-21 at 1.28.14 PM.png

Include log files that Audition Creates by choosing Include log files that Audition Creates.​ Help > Reveal Log Files...


Copy the text from the OSX Crash Log, supply this information with any crash report.

Screen shot 2011-09-08 at 6.22.12 PM.jpg

Note any additional information from the Windows Error Reporter dialog

Screen shot 2011-09-08 at 6.27.24 PM.jpg

Go ahead and still submit the crash report through the OSX crash reporter as well as the Adobe Crash Reporter Tool.  Be sure to supply comments that answer the questions mentioned above.

Go ahead and still submit the crash report through the Windows Error Reporter.




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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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Community Expert ,
Jun 14, 2017 Jun 14, 2017

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Just as a point of clarification, I have an additional note from Charles VW about the submission process for bugs, He says:

"Direct correspondence helps prioritize us looking at the issue since we can't always figure out what's going on from the Adobe Crash Reporter application, and we may have additional questions.

The Adobe Crash Reporter application helps us prioritize crashes that affect the most number of users"

What he's suggesting is that a direct submission to audbugs@adobe.com is almost certainly the most efficient way to resolve any issues you may have.




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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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Community Expert ,
Oct 08, 2018 Oct 08, 2018

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If for any reason you can't get Audition to open at all, it's worth noting that it will create a crash report about your failure anyway. The only problem with this is that you will have to locate it yourself and send it to audbugs@adobe.com 'manually', as it were.

For Windows, the path to the log file is

C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Audition\{version number}\logs

For Mac users, the equivalent path should be

/Users/{username}/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Audition/{version no}/logs

Here you will find the latest file, and possibly the one before it.

In both systems, the path may be hidden, so you will need to reveal it:

On Macs, this is achieved by clicking Go in the Finder menu whilst holding down the Alt/Option key.  Library should appear in the list.

On PC's, this is an option in the View menu of Windows Explorer.




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