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Audition Freezing every few seconds - Create Memory Dump - Where & How to send it to Adobe Experts?

Explorer ,
Feb 28, 2024 Feb 28, 2024

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For over 3 weeks I have been unable to edit a podcast in Adobe Audition because it freezes every few seconds (for 5-15 minutes).  It eventually comes back, I click 1-3 edit buttons, and it freezes again. I am on a deadline that it's now impossible to meet.  I am yet to find a solution that works from the Adobe Community experts but many users have posted possible actions to try.  One suggested I create a Memory Dump of Audition in it's frozen state and send that file to the experts.


I have created a file of the MEMORY DUMP when Audition is in it's frozen state.  Where can I send it so Adobe experts can search for the issue I'm having with Audition freezing every few seconds?


FYI for others with a similar problem:

When you perform a memory dump of Audition in it's frozen state, a file will be created which can be loaded into a "debugger" so experts can read it and hopefully find the cause of the issue.

To create a Memory Dump:

1. When Audition is in frozen state: CONTROL+ALT+DELETE

2. Open Taskbar;

3. Find Audition icon, open drop down menu

4. Select "Create Memory Dump"

5. Make a note of the file name and location so you can find it again to send to Adobe.

6. I'm yet to find out how to send the file and where to send it to.....

Freeze or hang






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Community Expert ,
Feb 29, 2024 Feb 29, 2024

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audbugs@adobe.com is where you send it. And make sure that you include as much other detail as you can. And ask specifically for some feedback...





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