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Audition onlly recognizes 2 channels from RODECaster Pro

New Here ,
Feb 04, 2022 Feb 04, 2022

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I have downloaded and installed the Rode ASIO driver for Windows, and have configured the Podcaster to accept the USB & microSD card. I opened up Audtion and under preferences>Audio Hardware, the device class is set to MME, where I see under the input dropdown >Mono> [M01] Microphone (RODECaster Pro Multichannel) 1 and [M02] Microphone (RODECaster Pro Multichannel) 2. All the other RodeCaster channels are missing. If I switch to device class and set to ASIO, and choose RODECaster Pro ASIO, I get Error message "Not working - The device did not start".


USB cable into computer from Podcaster working as the computer recognized Podcaster and I completed a firmware update to current version (2.1.2).


Any ideas to get all eight PodCaster channels identified in Audition?

Audio hardware , User interface or workspaces






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Community Expert ,
Feb 04, 2022 Feb 04, 2022

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You are not alone. Loads of people have had trouble with getting RODEcasters to work properly with Windows 10, by the looks of it. If you want multichannel inputs, it's got to be ASIO - MME drivers simply don't support this unless the manufacturer pays a fortune to Microsoft to 'authenticate' them, so nobody does. Originally (is this still the case?) Rode recommended that user should use ASIO4ALL for multichannel access, and even if they have their own driver now, it's worth checking that out because it has rather good diagnostics, and might give you a bit of a clue.


Our problem here is that the machine isn't in front of us, and there are a bewildering number of possibilities, because you've changed several things at once.The firmware upgrade won't take effect without a reboot, and that will almost certainly require a PC reboot too. Likewise with any driver updates.


You might want to ask RODE about it, though; they must have experienced this before. Initially they will try to blame Audition - that's par for the course. At this point you have to point out that there are loads of ASIO-connected devices that work absolutely fine with it, so perhaps they could look a little further?





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