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Hi. I get the following message when I log into Adobe Audition. Hoping someone can help me make correction thank you.
"Audition's primary temp volume cannot be found. Please review Audition's temp cache preferences."
Tony Wright
Yes, using Shift to start up Audition will set all the Preferences back to the default including any custom settings. However since Audition opens OK after the error message is acknowledged there should be any need to use the back to square one Shift key method. But do look in Audition's Preferences/Media and Data Cache to see where Audition thinks the Primary Temp folder is located. If you can post the location of the Primary Temp folder as shown under the Audition Audio Disk Cache heading some
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[moved from Adobe Creative Cloud to Audition CS5.5, CS6 & CC]
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Are you on a Mac or a PC? Does Audition actually open OK? Normally this setting is made within Preferences/Media and Disk Cache. If you cannot even open Audition try holding down the Shift key as you double click on Audition to open it. This should load Audition with all it's default settings.
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Hi thanks for the reply! I use Audition on a Mac.
I get the message that I noted whenever I open Audition. There is a button for me to click "Ok" and when I do that everything opens up just fine.
I have not tried what you suggest yet, to hold down the Shift key as I double click Audition to open it. Will this affect anything else in Audition, like any settings I have made for things like Presets.....I do not want to mess these up.
Again....thanks! Tony
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Yes, using Shift to start up Audition will set all the Preferences back to the default including any custom settings. However since Audition opens OK after the error message is acknowledged there should be any need to use the back to square one Shift key method. But do look in Audition's Preferences/Media and Data Cache to see where Audition thinks the Primary Temp folder is located. If you can post the location of the Primary Temp folder as shown under the Audition Audio Disk Cache heading someone may be able to suggest what is going wrong when you first boot into Audition.
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I have a better answer than resetting ALL of your settings.
I had the same problem, there is no option to reset just the temp volume to default, and as you can see, nobody can tell you what the default directory is/was on a Mac.
Brainstorm: check where the cache is on my OTHER Mac. I found it was in
Macintosh HD/Users/*yourusername*/library/caches/Adobe/Audition/13.0(or latest version)/
Now there are a few things to mention: first, the "LIBRARY" directory is hidden, so I used Funter to show it. If you have Paralells toolbox, there is also an app in there to show hidden files.
Next, Audiotion's "select directory" will still be unable to see the hidden directories.
So with hidden files shown, I used FINDER and navigated to
Macintosh HD/Users/*myusername*/library/caches/Adobe/Audition/13.0/
and made an alias, then popped the alias onto my desktop,
Now I opened Audition, and in the Cache preference options I navigated to the alias on the desktop.
And after two years, have FINALLY got my temp cache back to the default.
If I had not payed my dues as a Windows user for many a year I probably would not have had the bility to figure this out. 🙂
My gift to Audition users.
BTW, have been using Audition since it was CoolEditPro.