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Blue Yeti Mic Not Working.

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Apr 21, 2021 Apr 21, 2021

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Hello! I have seen many posts surrounding around the Blue Yeti Mic not working in multitrack, and after attempting to fix and tinker all the settings in my audio hardware, it will still not record audio. I'm current on PC. I have set up the audio channel mapping and audio hardware setting correctly, and also made sure my mic and output settings was compatible. In the track, it shows that my mic is picking up levels, but when I go to record my voice, it suddenly does not pick up any wavelengths or levels anymore, even with the R button active. I have tried (almost) everything to try and fix this problem, but whatever I try, nothing works. I have tried recording my audio in waveform, and it picks up my audio fine, but nothing happens once I make the switch over to multitrack. If anyone could provide any assistance, that would be greatly appreciated.

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Community Expert ,
Apr 22, 2021 Apr 22, 2021

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Things you need in order to record in Multitrack when you have a valid connected device: The mic itself to be selected as the track input, the 'R' button depressed and the Record button pressed on the transport. If it doesn't work at that point, then the thing to check carefully is whether the sample rate the mic is set to is identical to the sample rate for your session. If they aren't the same then I think you will get the symptoms you describe. Recording in Waveform is different - it's written to a temporary file before being written to disk and you have to specify the parameters first (the final write happens when you save your file), but in Multitrack the file is written directly to disk, and resampling on the way in isn't an option.





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