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Distortion and Crackling During Playback w/ New Interface

New Here ,
Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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I just got a new interface and with it, playback on Audition will crackle and become extremely distorted for me and I'm not sure why or how to fix it.

I've got a Behringer UMC204HD interface hooked up via XLR to an Audio Technica ATR2100x mic. I'm using the latest version of ASIO4ALL as a driver and I'm on Windows 10.

The issue still persists using both a different mic and on two separate computers. I've also tested using sounds that I didn't personally record, like music, and that comes out distorted as well. The issue goes away when I disconnect my interface and when I switch my Device Class to anything but ASIO. I have a USB mic that works with the same settings without this happening. I haven't tested any other DAWS, but while this is happening, I'm able to play sounds outside of Audition just fine. The crackling/distortion doesn't show up on the wave form and does not happen when I export the file - it's only on playback. It happens both on Waveform and Multitrack views.

Sometimes it temporarily goes away on its own - seemingly at random - and it seems to get considerably better by reducing the buffer size (both on Audition and ASIO4ALL settings) all the way down to 64. 

I've attached an example of the distortion (recorded with Windows 10 Voice Recorder using Stereo Mix to  catch what's playing through my speakers) as well as the original clip.

I'd greatly appreciate any help!

Audio hardware , Playback






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