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Error Multitrack Clips Cut Short

New Here ,
May 30, 2021 May 30, 2021

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Hi all,


I am creating a podcast, so I have a multitrack session with hundreds of cuts. Unfortunately, the past two times that I have opened audtion after saving, all of my clips are cut short by ~.5 seconds. This is absolutely infuriating because I have poured hours upon hours into this project to get fades between edited clips to sound natural. Now, all the work I have been doing has been undone. I have not cut the waveform, so I know it can't be problems with referencing the waveform. At first, I thought I may have accidently dragged everything forwards, but now I don't think so.


I recently switched from pc (win 10) to the mac mini, and I am currently saving to a segate one touch external hard drive (which I used to tranfer my audio and project files). Perhaps this has something to do with it?


This is a nightmare issue. Thanks so much for your time.

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