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Exporting a loudness reading as a text file from Adobe Audition

New Here ,
Feb 03, 2021 Feb 03, 2021

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Is there a way to export a report of the amplitude statistics window in Audition? All of the options I've seen would have to have loudness correction applied. I would like to analyze the file and be able to export the report. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Community Expert ,
Feb 03, 2021 Feb 03, 2021

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That is what the 'copy' button is for! Open a file, scan it and make sure that none of the entries is highlighted. Then press 'copy all' and open up your word processor and paste the results into it. You may have to sort the columns out, but that's pretty simple. It then looks something like this (the forum screws up the columns):

					Left			Right
Peak Amplitude:			-2.14 dB		-5.44 dB
True Peak Amplitude:		-2.13 dBTP		-5.43 dBTP
Maximum Sample Value:		25620	17519
Minimum Sample Value:		-24021		-15614
Possibly Clipped Samples:	0			0
Total RMS Amplitude:		-20.55 dB		-23.09 dB
Maximum RMS Amplitude:		-9.36 dB		-10.98 dB
Minimum RMS Amplitude:		-79.89 dB		-73.21 dB
Average RMS Amplitude:		-29.46 dB		-27.87 dB
DC Offset:				0.01 %		0.03 %
Measured Bit Depth:		16			16
Dynamic Range:			70.53 dB		62.23 dB
Dynamic Range Used:		68.20 dB		58.25 dB
Loudness (Legacy):	-16.56 dB	-21.26 dB
Perceived Loudness (Legacy):	-14.99 dB		-20.86 dB
ITU-R BS.1770-3 Loudness: 	-18.90 LUFS

0dB = FS Square Wave
Using RMS Window of 10.00 ms
Account for DC = true

It would also drop very conveniently into a spreadsheet, which might give you more manageable results. But you don't have to apply anything to the file - just open it and scan it.






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