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Favorites.xml resets to default upon opening Adobe Audition

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Feb 13, 2022 Feb 13, 2022

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Started editing for someone and they've sent me their Favorites.xml file so I could use a specific preset they've made on the audio. However, when I copy-paste their file into my Audition's folder and replace with the old one, opening Audition will replace the .xml file immediately with the default Favorites.xml. I can't find anything about this problem on Google so I thought I'd ask for help here, I've tried with both Audition 2021 and 2022 with no luck (currently waiting for their response on which version they use so I can try on it too if it's different) and reinstalling the software didn't work either.


In case it's necessary, here's my system info:

- Ryzen 7 3700x

- 16GB RAM DDR4 3200MHz

- RTX 2080Ti

- Windows 10 Pro 64-bit


Any ideas on how to make this work?

Thank you!

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Community Expert ,
Feb 14, 2022 Feb 14, 2022

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I'm afraid that this is one of the things you just can't do like that. Essentially you've corrupted a working .xml file with one from another system and it simply doesn't like it - so it replaces it with a vanilla one. It would probably be quicker for them to send you the parameters of the preset than attempting to do it that way - but if you want to, then the process is is to use an .xml editor and extract just the code lines of the preset that you want to copy, and paste that carefully into your system's existing Preferences file. It used to be better; with the previous system you could just drop the bits you wanted to add onto the program's desktop icon and they would be incorporated automatically, but it seems that you can't do that any more. I suspect that this may have been determined to be a security issue, but in the interests of security, nobody's saying...





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