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File won't save in Audition. Error message: "An unknown exception was caught (Code E06D7363)

New Here ,
Oct 28, 2017 Oct 28, 2017

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I'm trying to save a file I recorded earlier, & I get this error message every time:  "An unknown exception was caught (Code E06D7363)."  Each time I try to save it, it goes along fine until 22%, then it freezes up & I get the error message.

I don't want to have to rerecord it all again, but I don't know what is causing this error.  I recorded & saved something earlier today & everything was fine.

Please help.






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People's Champ ,
Oct 28, 2017 Oct 28, 2017

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That error code looked like a Windows one to me (as opposed to Audition) and a bit of digging leads me to believe that's the case.  If so, the reason for getting that code is because your system is trying to copy or move a locked file.  That makes sense since your need to save implies your recorded in Waveform view--this puts your work in a Temp file initially and copies it to wherever specified when you save.

This is where it gets complicated--there are quite a few reasons for a file to be mysteriously locked and therefore quite a few possible solutions.  It might be worth reading this page How to fix Windows 10 error ‘EXTERNAL EXCEPTION E06D7363’ - Windows 10 to see ifany of the things they suggest apply to you.




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New Here ,
Oct 28, 2017 Oct 28, 2017

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Thanks for your response, Bob.  I also did some checking & Wiki-Errors also said it was a Windows thing.  However, my computer has been running all day, & while I was testing the "Save" in Audition, I opened another Word file, edited it, & even saved it.  I don't know if that means anything, but I just don't understand why it would happen in Audition, but not elsewhere.

Also, I don't have Windows 10, mine is Windows 7 (it's an old computer).  So I don't know if that website will fix my particular problem, but I'll take a look & see what happens.  Though it sucks that I'll likely have to re-record the file.  Unless you know of another way for me to keep the file?




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People's Champ ,
Oct 28, 2017 Oct 28, 2017

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My understanding is that the problem is file-dependent and doesn't necessarily affect other files that you're manipulating in some way.

I've never had to try this but it might be worth going to your Temp files (you can get the location of your temp files by checking Edit/Preferences/Media and Disk Cache), finding your file (it'll have a gibberish name but you may be able to identify the current one from the time and date of recording) and seeing if you either rename it and save or turn off whatever is locking it.   A long shot but all I can think of--maybe others will pop in with other ideas.

As an aside, in the future I'd recommend recording in Multitrack View even if you're only doing a single track.  This has two advantages:  first, your recording is saved directly with no need to do a save at the end and, second, you can set up an automatic backup recording anywhere you want--an external HDD or even to the cloud.

Anyhow, good luck.




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New Here ,
Oct 29, 2017 Oct 29, 2017

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Well, I was able to rename it, but now it can't be played.  Well, thanks for your answers, again, Bob.  I'll just have to go back & rerecord the thing.




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People's Champ ,
Oct 29, 2017 Oct 29, 2017

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Sorry to hear that--and I do suggest you try recording in Multitrack.




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Oct 29, 2017 Oct 29, 2017

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Which version are you using? E06D7363 means is a special exception code (aka error) Windows uses for C++ exceptions (as opposed to exceptions from the processor).




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New Here ,
Nov 19, 2020 Nov 19, 2020

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Now I know this is literally years late, but if anyone has this same problem and finds this fourm like I did, I have a weird work around. If you get this error in a multi track, go into the audio wave form, and save it sepreatly (any file type will do), then the multi traak will save without a problem.




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New Here ,
Jan 26, 2022 Jan 26, 2022

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I am absolutely in that group, thank you for this fix! It worked like a dream 😄 




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Explorer ,
Jun 28, 2023 Jun 28, 2023

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Think this will work on Audition 23?




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New Here ,
Jun 13, 2022 Jun 13, 2022

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I found the solution - accidentally, but it saved me a ton of work.

I had the same issue with a pair of recordings that I DIDNT do in multitrack. For the life of me, I couldn't get the files to save after having my computer hibernate before I could save the files. In my efforts to somehow save the files, I ended up crashing Audition and thought that was it, I'm officially screwed... BUT...

When I restarted Audition, it asked me if I wanted to restore my last session because it didn't close properly. I selected yes, restored the session, went right to "Save As" and boom, done, no problem at all.


Seems a little risky, but if you're in the same boat, perhaps improperly close Audition, then restart it to get the same dialog window I mentioned above. 2nd best accident I ever had.


Good luck, I hope it works for you.






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