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Is there a way to easily find pops and glitches in the audio?

Explorer ,
Dec 11, 2023 Dec 11, 2023

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Hello everyone, I posted about this subject in the Adobe Premiere forums to ask how to fix this, but I also want to know in Audition if there is a way for me find these errors in a simple way.


After rendering (in Premiere Pro) I can randomly get audio popping through the file. This audio popping doesnt show up in the edit, and it's really random after rendering, some renders turn out fine, and some turn out damaged, without changing a thing


Here is the spectral in Audition of 2 rendered versions (havent changed a thing, one turned out bad, and out turned out good)


Audition - Damaged Audio Turnip Cup.png

There is a giant line right when the error happens (in 6:35,6).

Audition - Ok Audio Turnip Cup.png

This is the same part, without the error. 


Is there a way for me to know the file have errors without having to visually look? Or listen to it? Because sometime in longer files is a problem to have to listen multiple times after rendering until I get a good render


Thank you

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