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live stream - singing to backing track

New Here ,
Jan 01, 2021 Jan 01, 2021

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Hello! I've been in hell for months and can't figure this out. I'm hoping someone can please help me. I will gladly PayPal someone a thank you if you have a solution that actually works. 🙂


The players:

  • Me singing live into Audition. XLR mic via Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
  • A backing track
  • Windows 10 gaming laptop (I'm not on Mac)
  • VB Audio virtual cable to send Audition's master out to vMix streaming software (though it might not matter which streaming software I use since that doesn't seem to be where my problem is)


The problem:

  • For Audition to send the tracks through the virtual audio, I have to have my own voice on or previewed (press I next to the R for record).
  • There is a delay between when I sing and hearing my own voice. I usually never monitor myself when singing because of the delay. I want to hear the backing track and not myself.
  • I can't find a way to NOT hear myself in Audition, but still send my vocals (over the backing track) out the virtual cable.


I know I'm not the only person trying to sing and have everything sync. What am I getting wrong? How can I sing, not hear myself, but send this all out the virual audio?


Is there a way to send one mix to my headphones and another mix to the virtual audio cable? I haven't found how to do that, but that seems logical!



Audio hardware , How to






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