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Loop Recording For Multiple Takes

Community Beginner ,
Apr 19, 2021 Apr 19, 2021

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I am tracking drums in a mulitrack session in Adobe Audition.  I'm playing to a scratch track already recorded in Audition on a track that's NOT armed.  How do I get the transport to keep playing the scrtach track over and over so I can doo multiple takes of the song.  The takes would stack up on top of each other with each take.  Then I can edit with the razor tool to reveal previous takes below?  How do I record with the Playback Loop button on?

Audio hardware , FAQ , Feature request , Feature requests , How to , Playback , User interface or workspaces






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 09, 2021 Jul 09, 2021

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Apparently that's not a Feature in this whack App software, it is sorley missing.






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 09, 2021 Jul 09, 2021

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You are right man.  I found that out the hard way.  [Sensless, rude and incorrect content removed - Mod] Rather then fix their software and add some useful features, they tell you to shut up.  It's like the censorship on Facebook and Twitter.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 10, 2021 Jul 10, 2021

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Let's just address the issue here. Punch-in recording has been a bone of contention for years, and it's only relatively recently that it has been seriously looked at at all. It may well be that it's not complete yet, and indeed that's an easy argument to make. It almost does what you want - you can make a loop playing one track and by stopping and using the 'return playhead to start position' option (right-click on Play button) you can go back and make another take (right-click on Record button for Punch and roll option).


What doesn't happen is that the loop button has no option for record looping - which is essentially what you want it to do, and that could indeed be regarded as a justifiable feature.


If you want a feature like that added, then what you don't do is slag off everybody who might be able to help you, and the company providing the software.  What you do do is explain what you are trying to do, and submit it as a feature request/update. In life in general, throwing all your toys out of the pram gets you nowhere. Except - no toys. If you wish to create a feature request, then the place to do that is here. Please note carefully the posting advice. Exactly what you are asking for is in my previous paragraph.






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 10, 2021 Jul 10, 2021

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That's is good to know,

thanks for pointing me to the right place to make a formal request.


However let's make one thing clear no one is throwing "ALL" of their toys / tools.   Just throwing the one that doesn't have a feature that it should. (Loop recording should be a basic feature with VO work same as punch & roll)


I have many tools  for the job,  so I just pick another up & use one that works.


We have no vested interest in Adobe,

We are not Adobe fanboys or employees.

They can stay complacent & broken for all we care.

 We have work to do & so do they ... off to work.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 10, 2021 Jul 10, 2021

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I agree with you.  I too utilize the Adobe Suite of programs to power my video/audio production business.  I've supported them for over 2 decades now.  All in all, Adobe offers great value by integrating so many tools.  It enables a seamless workflow that is unparalled, IMHO.  But...  Audition is lacking and has languished for years.  They include it as support and a light audio app for video editors.  It's NOT a serious DAW.  Sadly, they don't see the benefit of competing in this arena.


If you point that out, complain about bugs, or suggest new features, you are largely ignored.  Then, they send this moderator guy in to censor your comments (See Above).  They can't handle the criticism, yet we all pay over $500 bucks per year/per person in subscription fees.  That's simply bad customer service.  This same guy has removed countless threads from front-line pros trying to share their views.  I've talked to many people in our industry that experienced the same censorship.  Adobe seems tone deaf to what their customers want.  Their moderators do damage control to hide usefull feedback and information.


Sadly, if this does not change, people will just migrate to software that better meets our needs.  I work for a major television network and talk to creative professionals everyday.  Many of them are moving to DaVinci Resolve and Edius, simply because of the nonsense they encounter with Adobe.  If you record and mix music, you left Audition years ago.  Presonus Studio One and Protools have become "The Standard" because Adobe won't get it's head out of the sand.  I believe this is due to guys like Steve, sanitizing feedback that could be usefull to the Adobe development team.  If Audition was more up to snuff, it would attract more people to the Creative Cloud subscription option.


Thank you for sharing your views HanSwolo.  It's nice to know that others feel the same way.  If we don't speak up, we'll just keep getting ignored.  Best wishes to you my friend.  Happy trails with your creative projects.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 10, 2021 Jul 10, 2021

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You may believe what you like, but you'd be mistaken. I don't 'sanitise feedback' (whatever that is) but I can and will remove abuse. In fact it is often all I can do to get the developers to look at the U2U forum at all - because that's exactly what they regard it as - a U2U forum. They do, on the other hand, look at the Ideas forum - as will be witnessed by looking at the feedback from some of the items in it. Which is why, instead of wasting effort here, sensible requests should be put there.


The other thing is that Adobe is driven primarily by its bottom line, and the suited beancounters that run it. They determine the direction the company and software takes, not individual users or even, I'm afraid, the development teams. So I'm afraid your ideas of how it works are simply nowhere in it.





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New Here ,
Feb 11, 2024 Feb 11, 2024

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Has the ability to do exactly this been added to newer versions (2024 is current as of this post)? I see punch and roll has been added but does the function allow for exactly the process op is describing?





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Community Expert ,
Feb 11, 2024 Feb 11, 2024

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I haven't tried it, but I don't believe that it has been altered at all.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 15, 2024 Feb 15, 2024

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This really needs to be implemented - it's a major ommission 






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Explorer ,
Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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Strange that this isn't in current Audition versions, I have done this in Audition 3 & belive it was also in Audition 1.5 (been a long time since I used that version)






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New Here ,
Jan 16, 2025 Jan 16, 2025

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Not sure if anyone is still reading this thread, but I thought I would chime in.


When Adobe first acquired Audition, it did have the ability to do multiple take loop recording. For some reason the killed Audition, released Sound Booth for a short time and brought back Audition without this feature. 


I understand Adobe doesn't target music creators specifically, but this feature would help the folks they do target a great deal. That is to say, movie makers who need to do VO and ADR.


Don't know what Adobe is thinking, but so many other DAWs have this feature. Even the free Apple Garageband.


Hope someone from Adobe reads this and takes it to heart. If this was the only feature you added in the next release, you would be making a lot of Adobe users very happy and gain their support indefinitely.







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