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Hello all-
I was working on a multitrack project in Audition. Adjusting levels and panning tracks as needed. I then saved the session under a slightly different name so I could return to an older version if needed.
On the newly saved version the pan controls have disappeared. Does anyone know how I can get them back?
Here's some info. The session was set up as stereo, 48k, 24 bit.
I recorded the live instruments as mono tracks - selecting mono channel 02 on the input which is the guitar jack input on my Steinberg UR12 audio interface.
The outputs are set to default stereo
I later change the outputs to Master when exporting the session mixdown.
Here is a screenshot of the current set-up.
I have Googled and searched the forum with no luck.
Many thanks.
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Can't tell from your screen grab because we can't see the Master track but looks suspiciously like a Mono rather than Stereo session.
Also may we ask why you have all the Tracks routed to Default Stereo Out and have to change it later rather than the standard Master, which is normal for most Audition Multitrack sessions.
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Floralcaster wrote
On the newly saved version the pan controls have disappeared. Does anyone know how I can get them back?
Here's some info. The session was set up as stereo, 48k, 24 bit.
The only times I've seen the pan controls disappear like that is when the session is mono, not stereo... if you open the original session, are they there then?
Floralcaster wrote
I later change the outputs to Master when exporting the session mixdown.
Why do you not have the channel outputs set to Master anyway when they're not being recorded? The only time you need to have track outputs sent out is if you're using them as something to play against. The moment you aren't doing this any more, you should set them back to Master, otherwise you won't hear anything you've done in the way of mixing.
This doesn't cause anything to happen to the pan controls though; it's just not normal!
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Is your problem sorted out with the help of our experts? Let us know.
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Same problem here. File created with CC2019, and I am sure the master channel is stereo.
Created another multitrack session for test, no any audio clip inserted into channel, I can see the PAN knob. Click [Mixer] panel, there're PAN control as well. Go back to multitrack session, now the PAN knobs are gone. Clik [Mixer] again, the PAN control is still there, but cannot be found in the mutitrack session window.
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Same problem here. Opened a stereofile, but I can't grab the pan of volume line
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ok, apparently you can only have pan or volume line in multi track, not on single audio.
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I don't see an answer to this query. I'm having the same problem. I have "show clip pan envelope" checked, but I don't see any of the pan envelopes. The volum env. is checked and showing in the clips, but not the pan. This is yet another of a long list of glitches that seem to plague the creative suite. Any help would be very much welcomed.
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Also...I'm working in multitrack.
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If you don't expand the track downwards sufficiently, you won't see the envelopes. They take up a significant amount of room, and will promptly disappear if you shrink the track height down.