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Panning pre-vst

New Here ,
Apr 08, 2021 Apr 08, 2021

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In the last weeks I've been using Audition for recording guitars. I record a dry signal and then use modelling software, i.c. Amplitube 5, to add effects such as distortion. Amplitube 5 is running as a VST plugin in the effects rack.

Here is the issue. When I use panning in the waveform it applies to the dry signal just fine, but when I then turn on the effects rack and route the signal through Amplitube the panning disappears. That sort of makes sense as the signal is treated like an original initial guitar input signal and you can't pan that left and right either while you're playing. Still it would be nice to be able to use panning without having to apply the effects permanently first (kinda defeats the purpose of VST effects...).


Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Audio hardware , How to , Playback






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