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"find-and-replace" in Audition?

Explorer ,
Jun 11, 2020 Jun 11, 2020

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I've recently started reading lists of student names for (virtual) graduation ceremonies. I have to leave about 2 seconds of silence between each name, and while I'm pretty good at doing this when things are flowing smoothly, there are a number of times when I have to pause longer to read over a tricky name or listen to an audio file of the name or do some research, meaning that the silences can range from just over 1 second (occasionally I get going a bit too fast) to 30 seconds or more.

So my question is this: is there a way to get Audition to automatically find (relative) silences of anywhere from 1-60 seconds in a track and automatically replace them with silences of 2 seconds? It would save me a lot of time if I didn't have to do it manually.



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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jun 16, 2020 Jun 16, 2020

The previous reply is, of course, incorrect. The facility to detect silences is there, but what isn't present - and not present in Audacity either - is the ability to do an automatic replacement for all instances. If you want to detect silences in Audition, you use Window>Diagnostics. When you get there you use the Delete Silence option to locate your silences. You then discover that there's an option below that says 'Fix By' and here you can choose to shorten long silences down to a fixed lengt



New Here ,
Jun 16, 2020 Jun 16, 2020

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AA does not have such a function. Audacity - Analyze - Silence Finder...




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Community Expert ,
Jun 16, 2020 Jun 16, 2020

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The previous reply is, of course, incorrect. The facility to detect silences is there, but what isn't present - and not present in Audacity either - is the ability to do an automatic replacement for all instances. If you want to detect silences in Audition, you use Window>Diagnostics. When you get there you use the Delete Silence option to locate your silences. You then discover that there's an option below that says 'Fix By' and here you can choose to shorten long silences down to a fixed length that you can set. What it doesn't do, unfortunately, is have an option to lengthen short ones, so it will only do half of the job for you.


But this is way more than Audacity does.




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Explorer ,
Jun 19, 2020 Jun 19, 2020

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Thanks Steve! I appreciate you correcting the mistaken reply, and your insight is super helpful. Even without the ability to lengthen shorter silences, being able to use this feature will seriously improve my workflow.




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