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Track missing but has large file size

Community Beginner ,
Jan 04, 2021 Jan 04, 2021

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Is there anything that can be done for a corrupted file that has a large file size but when it opens in Audition it won't play and has no waveform? Usually it happens when I created the file in Audition as a multitrack mixdown recording but when I go to reopen the session file it can't locate the track file or the track file opens but there is nothing to play. I'm using a Macbook Pro 2020 and latest Audition version. What confuses me is that the file size of the file I'm trying to open is quite large and/or exactly the correct size it should be but it seems as if Audition still doesn't think there's any usable audio there. Is there anything that can be done to fix this or prevent it from happening? It usually happens when Audition crashes or my laptop battery dies but its hard to avoid those things from time to time. 

Crash , How to






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Mentor ,
Jan 04, 2021 Jan 04, 2021

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"It usually happens when Audition crashes or my laptop battery dies but its hard to avoid those things from time to time."

That would be the very thing I would be avoiding at all costs.


Hard to advise without seeing the sesx or the media

If you want to send it to me I'm happy to have a look email me 

info at aatranslator dot com dot au

Just bear in mind that I'm probably in a different timezone to you





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 04, 2021 Jan 04, 2021

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The files are all very large like 500mb to 4gb. I don't mind emailing them to you but is there a way for me to investigate this myself? I am pretty good with the Terminal app if you know of some executable or program that I could look into the issue with? I almost feel like it's the file didn't finish writing its footer because it ended while still being opened or still being written.






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Community Expert ,
Jan 04, 2021 Jan 04, 2021

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If you think the file's all there, then there's a good chance that it's got a corrupted header. If you know what the sample rate and bit depth are, you could try opening it as a .raw file (File>Input>Raw Data). If that's what it turns out to be, then you need to resave it, preferrably as something slightly different. This will rewrite the header correctly, but I'd do it whilst the machine is mains-powered... 😉





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