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Unable to hide Audition on Apple M1 MacBook Pro

New Here ,
Dec 29, 2020 Dec 29, 2020

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Hi all, I recently upgraded my laptop to a MacBook Pro with the Apple M1 chip. I'm also running Audition on an Intel based Mac Mini. Both machines are running the latest version of macOS 11. On the laptop w/ the M1, I'm unable to hide Audition using the key command (cmd+H) or by selecting "Hide" from the Adobe Audition menu. The only way I'm able to hide it is to switch to another app and select "Hide Others" from that app's menu. I'm curious if this is a known issue or perhaps a setting I've missed. I doubt it's a setting as I've synced settings between the two machines, and as I say, I'm not experiencing this on the Intel Mac Mini. If others are experiencing this, I'll submit a bug report. Thank you in advance.

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