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Using ExtendScript with Audition.

Engaged ,
May 23, 2018 May 23, 2018

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I would like to write a script (in ExtendScript Toolkit) that would take a .wav file, make a couple of copies, apply some effects to each and insert them all in a multitrack session. This should be pretty straightforward, but I have not been able to find good documentation or examples on using ExtendScript with Audition.

After reading the forums, my impression is that ExtendScript works with Audition, but there's no documentation beyond some automatically-generated help. I wonder if somebody can point me to a similar script that I could modify or if there is another way of accomplishing the same automatically.






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Community Expert ,
May 23, 2018 May 23, 2018

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I don't know if you've seen it or not, but Adobe does have an Introduction to Scripting, which may help - although it's not Audition-specific. I can't make the direct link to the pdf work correctly, but if you do a search using the term 'Adobe Introduction to Scripting' you will find it easily enough. Also it appears to be available here: ExtendScript Toolkit Archives

More specifically there should be some stuff linked from this page: Adobe Audition SDK for plugin development | Adobe I/O but how much use it will be to you, I don't know. Whether you could really describe any of this as 'straightforward' unless you're a fairly experienced programmer is a little debatable, though...





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Engaged ,
May 23, 2018 May 23, 2018

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Thank you Steve for the links. Unfortunately, this is not what I'm looking for. What I need is to see how ExtendScript can be applied to Audition. Adobe seems to explain a lot in terms of general ExtendScript architecture, but not much specifically for Audition. For example, I've written some fairly complex ExtendScript scripts for After Effects, but the functions that I call are AE-specific and will do nothing for Audition. There is an "ADOBE® AFTER EFFECTS® CS6 SCRIPTING GUIDE", that is very helpful for AE along with some online tutorials. I couldn't find anything like that for Audition.

As far as 'straightforward' I can't be 100% sure, but the task that I'm trying to accomplish should be easy to code. Probably 10-15 lines, based on my experience with ExtendScript in After Effects.





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Explorer ,
May 25, 2018 May 25, 2018

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the easiest way to apply effects with custom settings to a Audio File would probably to use a custom Favorite (see Learn to automate common tasks for Adobe Audition CC ).

Once you have your Favorite created, lets say "MyFavorite", the following should work:

- Launch Audition and ESTK.

- Connect ESTK to Audition -> You can see the the "app" object in the Databrowser showing up, which represent the scripting handle to the Audition instance

- Run the following script

var file = new File("path/to/my/file");

var docOpenParam = new DocumentOpenParameter(file.fsName); // Audition specific Open Parameter

app.openDocument(docOpenParam); // Opens the file in Audition

var waveDoc = app.activeDocument; // scripting object to Audio FIle (current active Document)

waveDoc.applyFavorite("MyFavorite"); // Apply the Favorite you created

waveDoc.saveAs("path/to/my/file2"); // Save to new filepath

waveDoc.closeDocument(); // Close the document

Unfortunately, it is not yet supported to insert the Audio Document into a Session using scripting.

Some general information:

- The Audition API is documented in the Objectmodel-Viewer of the ESTK->Help menu (select Audition in the upper left browser section).

- You can execute all available Commands using scripting, which basically means all functionality which is available in the menus and more. The list of commands is available in the Objectmodel-Viewer under Class "Application", Type "Class"

- You can also execute the script above directly in Audition withouth the ESTK if you have the latest Version installed: In the Menu, select File->Browse and Run script... and select the script you created.





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New Here ,
Jan 26, 2022 Jan 26, 2022

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... ...

- You can execute all available Commands using scripting, which basically means all functionality which is available in the menus and more. The list of commands is available in the Objectmodel-Viewer under Class "Application", Type "Class"

- You can also execute the script above directly in Audition withouth the ESTK if you have the latest Version installed: In the Menu, select File->Browse and Run script... and select the script you created.

By @Falk Oswald

Hi foswald,

Me too I am tring to use ESTK to write scripts for Audition, your note is very helpful!!

Unfortunately the function I would use can't be detected by favorite.

I am not very familiar with java, or the basic use of Object Viewer. Could you suggest some tutorials? Or just a quick tip, when I found this ↓ how to use


Data Type: string
Adobe Audition CC 2019 (12.0.0) Object Model
Analyzes and marks non-silence in the waveform.

It only returns a string, how to execute?

Thank you in advance !!





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