Volume level control
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Good day. I am running Audition Version 3.0 on Windows 10 Home. I have been using the Normalize feature thinking it would make all the music play back at the same level, but I'm finding out that is not the fact. Is there a feature that I can use to make all of my songs play at the same audio level? Thank you for any help with this. My email is [Mod note: redacted - Adobe policy]
Dan Wilson...
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In Audition 3 there is Edit>Group Waveform Analyse, but I don't personally think it's very effective. This is really something your ears should be telling you. The purpose of Normalize on its own as an effect is simply to make the highest peak in your file hit a fixed level, and as you have observed, this has nothing to do with how 'loud' something sounds. Later versions of Audition are better about sorting out relative loudness - the algorithms involved have improved significantly.
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Thank you SteveG. I appreiate the esplanation.
Dan Wilson...
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As Steve_G says this is a job where your ears are the best judge.
I found that if I ever have to do this I generally put all the final mixes into a multitrack session and solo between each track while playing them all in order to get a 'feel' for the perceived volume of each track and making adjustments accordingly
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Thank you SuiteSpot. I appreciate the help.
Dan Wilson...