Using the Spot Healing Brush Tool tends to leave holes that are quieter than the surrounding audio, which is rarely what we'd want. The only time the tool truly works well is if you've recorded audio in a perfect environment with no audible noise floor. That's not how the real world typically works, though.
Just to visualize what I mean, try this:
- Effects > Generate > Noise and Apply
- Use the Spot Healing Brush Tool above the 1.5k range
- notice that you're leaving holes of quietness behind wherever you paint
It would be incredible if the algorithm paid more attention to the amplitude of surrounding audio and didn't leave such noticeable visible/audible gaps behind!
The current workaround is to use the Paintbrush Selection Tool with a low opacity (50) and use Auto Heal instead. But that's an extra step that I wouldn't have to do if the Spot Healing Brush Tool was enhanced.